part 32

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Bakugou POV:
'She decided to finally show up and didn't even apologise or talk to me' I thought (his eyes are red), 'I'm beyond pissed right now' I thought walking up to my room but I turned instead of walking inside, "You knew" I said to Neito, "Yeah I was going to tell you even though I wasn't allowed to but uncle Masaru came in" Neito answered keeping his head down low, "Even though I knew I was gonna get punished by it...I still am but yeah" He continued, "That doesn't matter anymore" I said trying to calm down, "How can she just walk away quickly to her room without saying anything" I stated which calming down clearly isn't working, "Katsuki calm down" Keigo said, "No how can I" I replied looking at him, "She can never matter how many times she hurt me, she has never apologised" I stated, "She only apologised when she completely disappeared which really hurt me" I continued walking to her room, "Katsuki" Todoroki said, "Go to my don't want to see how we deal with this type of shit" I stated not looking at him, "Katsuki" He said again, "He's right Todoroki it's best if you don't watch...we show no mercy" Neito stated, "No" Todoroki said, "You can not do anything but watch if you decided to come with us" I stated, "No one can interfere" I continued while walking away, "Why" I heard Todoroki ask, "This isn't our fight Todoroki this is their fight" I heard Neito replied while walking towards me, "We can't do anything if you aren't apart of it..."Keigo answered, "It's our family rule" He continued while walking towards me too, "...I'll still come" Todoroki stated walking with us, "Himiko" I said bragging in her room, "Katsuki" She replied staring at me getting off her bed while Dabi stopped the game, "You came to your room and started to play games with Dabi" I stated pissed off, "That you couldn't come talk to me...we haven't talked for years" I stated standing in front of her, "Kit Kat" She said, "Is that all you can say my name and nickname" I said (his eyes are red mixed with black), "Why can you never apologise to me! You hurt me so many times and I forgave you even if you never apologised" I stated, "I just wanted you to apologise to that so hard to fucking do" I stated, "..."Still didn't saying nothing, "Well is it Himiko hmm" I said, "..." She just stood there, "Fucking talk Himiko, remember when you use to tell me that when you tortured me hmm do you!?" I stated, "..." Still nothing, "Fucking go to hell Himiko...the only time we ever got along is when my eyes were yellow, you know why?" I stated looking down, "..." Still silent, "Because you always took advantage of me, I'll always listen to you...that's why father didn't want me to hangout with you anymore because he knew you made me do shit for you" I stated, "I don't how you hate him if you're just like him" I continued, "Shut up" She finally said, "Oh look you can finally speak" I said, "I'm not nothing like him" She stated, "You're not!? Do I have to remind you how you use to torture me...Himiko you tortured me more then he ever had" I stated which I saw her eyes open wide, "But I still forgave you and you left that how you repay me" I continued, "Katsuki" She said, "Go to fucking hell Himiko" I said again

Toga POV:
  When he said that it remind me of everything, I remembered everything now, "Katsuki I'm sorry" I apologised, "..." He didn't say anything, "I couldn't face you...when I saw you I-i remembered everything" I stated, "I lied to myself and made myself forget everything that I've ever done to you" I continued, "Why did keep on forgiven me!?" I asked, "You're my sister Ill always forgive you" He replied, "I finally remembered killed that kid with Neito because I told you guys to do it and to hid his body" I stated, "You guys didn't want to do it but I made you guys or I would've lied to father" I continued, "That's how I use to torture you and Neito by making you do things that you never wanted to do...but you guys started to like it that's why father didn't let me be you guys anymore that's why I hated him" I said, "Dad will use you and Neito but not like how I used you guys...Im worst then him" I stated, "Well shit" I said laughing, "The reason Neito and you are colder then any of us is because of me...I was the manipulative person" I stated, "Neito the stalker, Keigo the torturer, Himiko the manipulative, finally Katsuki the heartless" Father said coming in, "Katsuki and Neito partners was hell I even felt bad for the people who had to deal with them, Keigo and Himiko partners were demons I felt bad too but not like Katsuki and Neito peoples" He stated, "All 4 was beyond hell to others but when you left Himiko they didn't do it as much" Father said walking to me, "Do you know why?" He asked, "No" I replied, "You were the one who always wanted to hurt others" He stated, "When you left it was like they were free but now that you're back and you gained all your memories, things might go back how they use to be" He continued, "Keigo did it because he wanted too" He stated, "But Neito he was like Katsuki—he always use to come and when his parents had his sister Neito particularly lived here, nothing has changed" He continued, "What?" I said, "Neito is like Katsuki that's why we called them twins once they lose control of their emotions they are like new people...they also act the same" He said, "You know how to control them Himiko" He said, "You made them do things they never wanted to do" Smiling at me, "That's why I had to treat them different because I saw how strong they are" He stated walking away, "I can control them too but they'll always listen to you even if it means they have disobey my orders" He stated, "I don't know what you have done to them but one thing for sure is" He said stopping in front of doorway of my room, "You're just like me" He said continuing to walk away while laughing, "..." I stood there, "Is that true" I asked looking at Katsuki, "..." Katsuki didn't say anything but instead looked at Neito, 'Is it true...' I thought, "Neito come here" I demanded which he quickly came, 'That proves nothing...right' I thought shocked, "Next time I ask a question you answer me right away" I stated hoping he wouldn't agree, "Yes cousin Himiko" He said bowing, " it is true" I said which he stood up and went beside Katsuki which reminded me how I use make do everything they didn't want to do, "...I'm sorry" I said, "I forgive you" Katsuki and Neito both said, "Why?" I asked, "Ill always forgive you" They both said again (creepy), "Can you all leave" I said walking to sit on my bed...everyone left expect Dabi

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