part 39

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Dabi POV:
In the shower, 'Her parents don't seem mean or crazy but their aura is a different's a evil aura' I thought, 'They're dangerous which makes me wonder if everyone living in this house dangerous too...The drivers have no aura like they can't feel anything, the maids have an empty yet calm aura which I find weird, the bodyguards are just like the drivers empty but they're crazy strong and scary' I thought while washing my hair, 'Her mom has this crazy aura who doesn't care about her life and just want to see what could kill her but behind that crazy aura is something dark she is fooling everyone who don't know her because she's a psycho who wants to ruin people happiness and she's desperate about something but I don't know what it could be' I thought while washing my body, 'Now her dad...he's has this twisted aura which is worst then anyone who lives here, it's so dark and twisted that you don't know what's going in his mind and to be completely honest and I don't want to know...he could be thinking about killing everyone here but nobody would know because it's hard to read him and I need to be really careful around him...*sigh*' Just standing there, "Bakugou, Bakugou Katsuki" I said softly, 'I honestly don't know...Monoma Neito and Takami Keigo or should I say Hawks' Deeply sighing, 'They are completely empty and they are hiding their true feelings also they can hid their emotions very well because even Toga hid her emotions' Running my left hand through my hair, 'This whole family is fucked up heh" I said while chuckling a bit, 'Speaking of Toga I wonder what she wanted to talk to her dad about...I'm worried about her' I thought, 'She's been acting gloomy and keeps spacing out...she didn't even sleep last night she was outside her balcony and staring at the sky...I wanted to go up to her but it looked like she needed space but i'll ask her once she comes back' I thought while turing off the shower water and getting out, I dried myself and then I went to get the clothes that Toga gave me, '...' I stared at them for a whole minute, 'THESE CLOTHES ARE EXPENSIVE' I thought while holding up the hoodie up, 'They didn't even bother taking the price tag off' Looking at the tag, 'Is this from their brand or another brand?' I wonder, 'It's really nice though' Taking off the tags, "I'm hungry now" I said while changing into the clothes, 'Am I allowed to open the door or do I have to knock...this is so stupid' I thought while opening the door sightly when I saw Toga's personally maid(?), "Good morning sir" She said bowing, "Oh um good morning ma'am(?)" I replied unsure if I call her ma'am, "Would you like anything to eat?" She asked politely, "Yes please" I said, "What would you like?" She asked, "Anything is fine really" I replied, "Hmm okay" She said leaving while I closed the door, "*sigh* This is so awkward, I didn't have maids or even a personally maid or any of this" I said softly, 'This family doesn't add up thought...Toga tells me things but there still missing pieces that I really want to know but I can't force her to tell me because that's her privacy and I want her to tell me when she's ready' I thought while I walking outside to her balcony, "This is a nice view" I said smiling softly, 'When she gonna come back' I wondered when I heard a knock, 'Is that my food!' I thought happily while walking to the door, "Thank you" I said opening the door when I saw Toga, "..." We looked at each other, "...Your welcome?" She said confused while walking in

Toga POV:
"That thank you wasn't for you" He said gloomy, "Then who did you want to thank?" I asked, "To your maid" He replied, "Oh she's going bring you food" I said, "Yeah" He replied, "What did you ask for?" I asked, "I told her that anything will be fine" He replied while I looked at him, "Toya" I said, "Hmm?" He said confused, "She's not gonna bring you anything" I stated which made him have a shock face with his mouth sightly open, "What do you mean that she's not gonna bring me any food!?" He said surprised, "You must give them a answer or they won't bring you anything that's a rule in this house" I replied, "What?" He said, "You can't say "anything is fine" or "whatever is okay" because then you won't get or have anything, you must give them a answer" I explain, "So you're telling me that Imma starve until we get back..." He said, "Yeah because that's your punishment" I said, "You must be kidding" He said while turning pale, "Nope that's what you get if you don't give them a answer" I said, "What if you have to choose like shoes or pants?" He asked, "Then you better pick or you're not getting anything" I replied, "i was so happy too" He said disappointed, "I bet you were" I said, "Even if that rule sucks I must say it's a great rule" I stated, "I think a horrible and difficult rule" Dabi stated, "Yeah but when you get yourself in a real life difficult decision you can't you say "I don't know" or let someone else choose because that decision was meant to be decided by you" I replied, "You're right so this rule makes you have to choose difficult decisions or you'll lose both like in real life" He said, "Yup" I said, "Damn your family rules are really something aren't they" He said while scoffing, "I guess everyone gets treated to same" He said, "Oh no no no" I said while shaking my head lightly, "They don't actually, only to the people who know our secrets because we can't do this to people who don't know they would suspect something" I replied, "Now I wish you explained the rules to me" He said, "Yeah yeah come on we're leaving now" I said, "I don't really want to see them yet" I stated, "Okay" He said going towards the door, "I'll explain to you at home" I said, "About?" He questioned, "About what I talked about with my father" I whispered so only he can hear when we were walking down the stairs, "Oh okay" He replied while we walk to the black car

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