part 14

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Dabi POV:
  'She never answered me if that other blonde in class 1b(?) was related to them, I'll ask her tomorrow' Dabi was thinking, 'hmm now that i'm thinking about it when we kidnapped that blonde he didn't even care, when we tortured the shit out of him, he just acted like we were just playful punching him or some shit. He even had the audacity to say if we were joking with him or if this was "torture" for us and that made us angry that we went 10x worst on him, we almost killed him(!?) but he still didn't react it's like he had worst(?) in some type of way. How bad did his parent or mother cuz you know their dad is dead but that ain't the point but what I was thinking is how bad did they treat him or "punish" him that

stabbing, cutting deep into his skin almost to his bone, punching, kicking, for fucking sake breaking his bones and almost fucking dying doesn't even affect him anymore

like shit he really did and still lives in fucking hell. I still remember how he would just stand back up like nothing, he didn't even shed a tear, or made a sound, he acted like nothing was wrong. To be honest I felt bad for him when I first saw him, his eyes were so dull but you couldn't see through his "anger" he was good at hiding his true emotions, but if you could you'll only see nothing(?) he was just numb(?) but he kept acting. When he saw that he couldn't beat us he put his mask down and I was correct. I still remember how dead he looked all the LOV was shocked, I even think we got chills when he looked at us in the eye' I was completely lost in my thoughts, 'What has HE been through like I know Toga point of view but what was his and he still live with their so call "mother" but also he lived with her the longest Toga didn't, she ran off the same day I did so he must've been going through hell even more' Dabi thought sighing, 'ughhh no wonder why people are so interested in that blonde kid cause I know damn well I want to know more about him and the Bakugou's family and I bet he knows the most too' Dabi thought slowly falling asleep, "Also why did she keep trying to avoid his name the whole time?" That was my last thought before I completely fell asleep.

Bakugou POV:
'what does half n half want' I thought, we're literally setting here awkwardly quiet, "what do you want?" I said finally breaking the silence (both of his eyes are gray now), "oh..uh..umm...I wanted to ask you something" Todoroki said, "which is?" I asked, "I want to know more about you" He said, "Why is that" I questioned, "I have a feeling that we have a lot of things in common" He stated, "Like what you want to know about me" I asked, "Everything, your past, how you feel, everything" He said without no emotion, "why is that Todoroki" I said smirking (his eyes turned black and gray now) , "That's easy to answer. No one knows about you, you're a secretive person Bakugou" Todoroki stated, "I want to keep it like that" I replied with no emotion at all (his eyes are now black), "I want to be friend too" He stated, "Do whatever you want" I replied, "Then open up to me Bakugou" He said in a serious tone, "Why should I" I stated, "You always have empty eyes, you always come to school all beaten when you came back from your house, you hate loud noises and you even hate when people scream also when you scream you even get scared at yourself too, do you want me to continue?" Todoroki said, "hmm your smart okay you proved to me that I can tell you. You already saw through my mask so why not" Bakugou stated, "wait really!?" Todoroki said shocked, "yeah yeah so what do you want to know first" I asked, "what abo—" I was interrupted when, "Come Bakugou we have to go down stairs to the living room. Aizawa needs to tell us something important" Iida stated, "Ugh okay" Bakugou said annoyed, we both got up and started to go down stairs, "we'll continue after the meeting" Todoroki stated seriously, "yea yea okay" Bakugou said while they both arrived to the living.

Aizawa POV:
I texted Iida to get everyone in the living-room because I had an important announcement. 'hmm that surprising that Bakugou and Todoroki came down together and are even talking ehh why do I care anyways their the last people we were waiting for(?)' Aizawa thought, "Okay is everyone here now" I asked, "Yes, Sensei" Momo answered, "okay good. I wanted to tell you that you guys will now have dorm mates but your roommates is gonna be someone you don't really talk to also girls can't share with boys and boys can't share with girls. Same rule" I announced, "so we can pick our own roommate" Mina asked, "No, I already picked them out for you guys" I started, "oh okay" Mina said kinda disappointed, "okay here is the paper that shows you your roommate" Aizawa said while putting the paper up for them. Before I left "Oh and I forgot to announce that you need to go home today so we can make your new dorms bigger but tomorrow when classes are over everything will be ready so it's just one day" I announced before leaving.


Mina and Hagakure
Jirou and Uraraka
Momo and Asui

Aoyama and Shouji
Ojiro and Denki
Kirishima and Tokoyami
Iida and Mineta
Todoroki and Bakugou
Sero and Midoriya
Kouda and Satou

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