part 19

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Bakugou Pov:
"Well yeah my dad is alright I guess" I stated, "But whenever you talk about your dad you say it in dark aura, why?" Todoroki asked, "Simple he loves to torture me and make me suffer" I stated darkly, "But didn't you say that his side of the family does that?" Todoroki asked, "Oh yes but he's the reason why my sister left, he's the reason why i'm numb, he's the reason why I fear adults, he's the reason why I can't trust anyone but he's also the reason why I can see through people lies, the reason why I can fight, the reason why when I hurt others...I won't regret because I've done it my whole life" I answered, "Your sister left you?" Todoroki asked, "Yes she left in a young mom beat my sister and I really bad one day that I even thought I was gonna die which clearly shows we didn't but she faked her death and my mom believed that she killed her so she just carried her body to an ally...I knew she was faking her death which made me upset because she promised me that she won't leave me alone but I knew she would come back and I was right she came right back but little did we know my dad knew everything" I said, "Everything?" He questioned, "Yes, he knew that she faked her death to get out of that hell hole— he knew that she was visiting me...he made a whole plan with my Uncle, so my dad smart ass figure out the days and time my sister came so he told my Uncle his plan also my Uncle agreeing to do it because he would love to see the fear on my sister eyes" I said, "Oh so your Uncle is an asshole" Todoroki stated, "Worst then that trust but continuing i was doing my homework when I heard a knock in my window which I knew it was my sister, I ran to open the window so happy. She came in asked me how i been but we didn't talk long...maybe like 1 minutes or less before I heard my Uncle coming up the stairs to my room. I told her to hide under my bed which she did because I told her it out Uncle Jason that's "babysitting" me...well he asked who I was talking to but I lied to him and said when I was doing my homework I was speaking out loud which he got really upset because I he taught me to never mumble or speak out loud of what I was thinking" I said, "Is that why you get pissed off when Midoriya mumbles" Todoroki asked, "Yeah but he's lucky I don't treat him how my family would but getting back on topic he got pissed so he beat me and telling me a of shit which got my sister really mad but this is where the plan came in because he beat me 10x worst and he knew my sister would get out whatever she was hiding because he no idea where she was hiding and left right on time when she came launching to "him" but she launched on our dad which he "hit" his head on the table in my room. My uncle took a picture in the perfect timing which he showed my sister...I kept telling that she killed our father and I was too much shocked that I didn't notice it was all a lie and sister said it was a mistake and didn't mean to but I knew she was lying and she knew that I knew she was lying...she got so scared because she knew if she stood then she would turn her in so she left and I got mad because...I knew she wouldn't ever come back for me and she said "Goodbye brother until we meet again" but I just told her "go to hell" and she broke our promises so easily which made me despite her" I said, "despite?" Todoroki asked, "I know if I see her hurting someone innocent or I care about I won't hesitate and kill her right there in the spot" I replied, "But what happened after she left" He asked, "Well my dad got up and got pissed I lied so he "taught" me a listen so ever since that day I haven't lied" I stated, "" He was lost of words, "I also hate lairs so I deserved to what my dad did because lairs deserves to be beaten a lesson" I stated

Todoroki Pov:
  '...well now I know not to break or lose his trust because I would be a dead man" I thought, "I have a question, why do only call her sister and not her name?" I asked, "Oh well I was taught like that— you call the females "ma'ma", the males "sir", siblings "brother or sister", no matter how old they are...only in Bakugou family though and if you talk about them to other people we say Uncle or Aunt or whoever your talking about, you don't say sir or ma'ma but if your talking about siblings you say sister or brother" He explained, "...That's a lot to follow" I stated, "Hmm...but my dad quirk depends on his blood so if he's mad then his blood would start to boil which means his flames would be red and extremely hot and if he's calm then his flames would be icy blue which means it extremely cold but would burn the shit out you and my mom can just look at an object and would know everything and could make doubles out of that items. So my sister quirk is like mix" He said, "Yeah I see how you guys got your quirk" I replied, "My 2nd like my mom but I would need to look at you in the eyes and I would know everything about that person or item but instead of doing doubles like her I can turn into them or item" He stated, "...woah" I was completely shocked, "I can only do use my second quirk if my eyes are completely yellow but if one of my eyes are yellow and the other red my quirk would work different" He said, "What do you mean?" I asked confused, "I would need to look that person or item and I would get all the information but I wouldn't be able to change into that person or item and I would only be able to use the icy blue fire and not the red" He responded, "Well shit" I said, "No one knows about this but my father...your the only person I ever told" He stated, 'Wow if he couldn't control his 2nd quirk then many people would dead...but wow his quirk is strong it's not even like two it's more like 3 somehow' I thought, "Wow, that's all I could say" I stated, "But for my second quirk to work on humans I have to look at them in their eyes if not then I won't know nothing but items won't matter I can look at them and know everything" He stated, "Have you ever used your second quirk on someone?" I asked, "Of course I have only when I'm with my dad though because he makes me but I would try to avoid it" He replied, "Why?" I asked, "I had to use that quirk to do so many awful things" He replied with a really dark aura around him, "Oh sorry for asking" He said, "It's fine, don't you worry" He replied, "But what about this unknown quirk?" I asked, 'I want to know what this quirk does to him' I thought, "This villain is dumb he doesn't know missing with a bakugou means death" He said chuckling a little (his eyes are black and purple now), "What do you mean?" I asked, "Well you see Todoroki the Bakugou's are known to be the most intelligent family" He replied smirking evilly, 'I did not not like how he that shit also how he said my name...fucking chills...also this is his like 3rd time calling me Todoroki' He thought, "...I have to get use this shit" Todoroki said while sighing

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*Bakugou eyes were black until when i wrote
            (his eyes are black and purple)

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