F o u r : Dreams Do Come True

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A gasp escapes your lips as you jolt straight up out of bed. It takes a few moments for your eyes to clear from the fogginess of sleep, and a few more minutes for your heartbeat to slow down once again. You check that Levi is in his usual position and of course he is. The state of your bed is a mess, many of your pillows are on the floor, your sheets are pushed angrily to the foot of the bed and the strap of your nightgown is scandalously slipped off your shoulder. You hadn't heeded Sasha's advice to go straight under the covers once you had gotten dressed for bed and to not leave the covers until she got you dressed for morning. It was just annoying and quite frankly you felt covered for the most part. Levi never looked at you and you were always fast asleep under your covers by the time he switched shifts.

You yawn a few seconds later and make an unidentifiable noise as you fully stretch your muscles. After everything you had been through in your dreams last night, you felt as if you had run a marathon. You get up and make your way to the bathroom closing and locking the door behind you. As you do your ceremonious morning pee, you think back on the details of your dream. Many times before you have had similar dreams. You knew what they meant, that was the easy part, now you just had to try your best to prepare for it.

Getting up and washing your hands you step back into your main room and Levi obviously hasn't moved a centimeter. You get back into bed not even bothering to pick up the fallen pillows, just dragging the covers over your body.

"Did I say anything in my sleep?" You ask.

"You shouted several times in your native tongue. I do not speak your language so I cannot tell you what you said." He responds.

You nod even though he can't see and you stare up at the ceiling. The glass chandelier that hangs in the middle of the flowered design etched into the white ceiling is the only thing that holds your focus.

"What time is it?" You ask another question.

You hear him shift slightly, you're sure he's either checking his watch or the clock on your wall.

"0635, and 27 seconds."

It's impossible to hold back the chuckle that escapes your lips. It was so him to give you the time down to the last second. You know that Sasha will come to your room to wake you up in ten minutes to get you ready for breakfast with the royal family. It surprises you that although Levi had only been here for 35 minutes, he had heard you shout so many times. You must not have been dreaming for long.

Like the perfect alarm clock, Sasha knocks on your door at exactly 6:45 and announces herself loudly. Levi looks to you and you give him a small nod so that he can let her in. As soon as she is in he lets himself out to give you two privacy. You and Sasha had become a well-oiled machine over the last two weeks. As before it would take over an hour and 15 minutes to get ready for breakfast, you guys could get it done together in 30 minutes tops.

Life in the past two weeks passed by in the blink of an eye. You ate all three meals with the royal family as usual and made conversation with mainly the King and Historia. The Queen would participate here and there but you could tell she was unhappy to. As for your fiancée and soon to be brother in law they hadn't said a word to you at all. You were starting to become quite fond of King Grisha who treated you the best out of everyone you had encountered so far in Vyrena. He truly treated you like his daughter and his sincerity was not only greatly appreciated but influenced many more. How could anyone be terribly mean to you when their King treated you with as much respect and dignity as he treated his own sons?

As for Levi, you hadn't talked much since the incident with the man. You stopped trying to be nice to him, in fact, you were downright mean. You stopped calling him by his name and only referred to him as "you" or just omitted it completely. Of course his treatment of you did not change at all and you wondered if your bad treatment of him had actually affected him emotionally. Whether it did or not, whether he even noticed the way you would not look at him, refused to say his name, barely even talked to him, and became more demanding, it at least made you feel better.

Porcelain : Levi x Reader (Royal AU)Where stories live. Discover now