S e v e n t e e n : CandyLand

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As soon as you sit across from him, Eren leads forward excitedly and begins recounting his tale.

"Okay, so actually we've been having problems for some time. After I told her about us acting like a couple she said she was fine with it but she did tell me that she thought I would fall for you, for real."

"Ha," You laugh, "There's no way that would happen."

He laughs too, "Exactly, I told her you were too annoying to fall in love with."

You playfully punch his shoulder and he chuckles, "Anyway, I convinced her that if anything I was beginning to see you as a friend but honestly nothing more, so we were good. After she saw us at the carnival and came home I went to her room to try and talk to her. She blew up at me about how she told me this would happen and blah blah blah."

"So what did you say for her to ignore you?"

He winces before continuing, "I admit that what I'm about to say makes me sound like an asshole but keep in mind we were both really angry. I basically told her she was acting like an insecure bitch."

You gasp, "Eren!"

"I know, I know. I regretted it as soon as I said it and I apologized right after."

"I was expecting something pretty bad but honestly not this bad. You should be on your knees begging for forgiveness right now."


"Well okay maybe not, but you really should find a way to make it up to her. A measly sorry isn't going to fix that."

Eren runs his hands through his hair and groans in frustration, "Please, I really need your advice Y/N. I fucked this one up pretty badly but before you think I'm a complete jackass there's been some tension between us ever since Historia found out Zeke knew about us the entire time. She's been pushing me away more and more and I just blew up."

"First of all, you need to do better at handling your emotions. I've only been here a few months and I've seen your anger get the better of you more times than I can count. Also try understanding things from Historia's point of view, I'm sure Zeke hasn't exactly been the best husband to her and who knows what's actually going on behind closed doors. Historia needs you to comfort her insecurities not add to them by making her feel crazy."

He nods, "Do you think she'll forgive me?"

I sigh and nod my head, "She probably will. But it's not going to be easy. You should apologize to her and admit your wrongdoings every time you see her. Try to explain to her how her pushing you away is making you feel and promise to do better. I'm sure a few gifts wouldn't hurt either."

"You're a life saver Y/N, seriously you have no idea how much that helped me."

"Yeah, yeah, pay me instead."

He laughs and turns his head to look at the castle grounds below the two of you, "If you had a lover and they said such a thing, would you forgive them?"

Your eyes glance to Levi's back before finding Eren's emerald eyes on you, "Well I'd hope they would never say such a thing but I also understand that at times emotions run high. I don't think it's a matter of what they've said in the moment but more so how they treat me overall. However, I can't deny that those words would hurt a lot. I don't think it would be possible to say something like that to someone you truly loved."

Immediately you shut your mouth after realizing that you had implied that Eren didn't truly love Historia.

"I mean-" You begin to try and correct your words when the look on Eren's face stops you entirely.

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