First Session

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*Rowan's POV*
I sat in the library, on my phone, talking to Luke. "What are you up to, love?" he asked. I sighed loudly. "I have to tutor some moron." "That's so nice of you" Luke said sarcastically. "Well he's a huge oaf and a jerk." I stated. "Oh. What's his name?" He asked. "Ashton..." I mumbled. "Hey that's funny I know a guy nam-" "I gotta go here he comes!" I said, not letting him finish his sentence.

I set my phone down on the table and followed him with my eyes. "Hi" I said trying to sound polite. Even though I didn't want to tutor him, he needed my help. Obviously. Let's just try it. Maybe it'll go better than expected. I looked at what he had on today. All black Converse, black jeans, charcoal sweater, and a black bandana. It looked kind of sweet. Why did all the bad guys have to be so cute?

"Hello" he said, almost shyly. He sat down across from me and got out a pencil. This wasn't awkward at all.

"So uhm, I see that you're struggling in English and biology" I said, opening the folder. "You have a 67 in English and a 59 in biology" I said, pointing to it on a piece of paper. His face went red. "Excuse me for a minute. I need the bathroom" He got up and almost ran out the doors.

*Ashton's POV*
I excused myself and left the library as quick as I could. I ran into the bathroom and took out my phone. I called my best friend, Calum, and waited for him to pick up. "Hey, mate! How's the tutoring session with the hot girl going?" he asked. "Dude I'm a nervous wreck! I can feel my face going red, and yeah" I said.

"Chill out, Ashton. You'll be fine. Don't be on your phone and pay attention so she thinks you're trying." He said. I said goodbye and thank you, and hung up. I splashed some cold water on my face. Rowan must think I'm such a loser with grades so low. 'Come on man, be chill' I whispered to myself. I fixed my bandana and walked out of the bathroom back into the library.

"Are you ready to get started?" She asked, smiling. She was so cute. I sat down and nodded. "So tell me, what are you struggling with? Well, besides paying attention" She said, snapping her fingers and grabbing my attention. "Oh uh, I don't know" I said. "Well think about it. What comes easy for you?" "Failing" She smiled reassuringly. "There has to be something you understand? What comes easy to you?" "Uh I don't know, filling in the blanks, something with a word bank, multiple choice..."

"Okay so we need to work on writing the answers without just filling in one word, or choosing the right answer. I totally understand. I'm the same way" I perk up. We have something in common. For the next hour and a half, we go over all my failed assignments and tests and she helps me figure out what each question is asking, and how to find the answer.

*Rowan's POV*
When I'm having one on one with Ashton, he seems like an okay guy. I feel bad for him, because he's obviously struggling. He has a hard time paying attention. "Okay well I think that's enough for one afternoon, Ash....ton." I say. I kinda enjoyed this. NO! No, I did not. He's a jerk. I can't just be all chill around him after he beats up my brother. "Thank you" He says, putting his books away and turning on his phone. "Uh, bye" He says awkwardly. He winks at me and leaves.

Half of me says yes to him, half says absolutely not.

*Ashton's POV*
"How was your thing?" My friend Michael asks. We're hanging out at his house with Calum and my other friend Luke. Luke said another friend is coming by later, but he won't say who. "It was alright. About as good as it gets." I answer. "I don't want to talk about it. Should I order a pizza?" I say, trying to change the subject.

"Was she hot?" Michael asks impulsively. "Very" I say, laughing. "What's her name?" Calum asks. "Rowan Evans" I say, with butterflies in my stomach. "Hey! I know h-" Luke begins. "Shut up, Luke I'm on the phone" I say. He sighs and doesn't say anything.

*Rowan's POV*
I walk up to Luke's front door. He invited me to come over and hang with a few of his friends. As I walk in, I notice an all too familiar face. "Ashton?!" He looks up and smiles at me. "I tried to tell you guys I knew who you were talking about!" Luke said. I take a seat on the opposite side of the room and cuddle up next to Michael. I glare at Ashton. The other guys leave the room for a minute.

"Hey, good girl" Ash says with a wink. 'We're not at school, so I might as well let you know. I. Don't. Like. You." I say. He giggles. "Dang that's unfortunate" He says, not caring. I sigh and roll my eyes. What a turn of events.

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