Truth pt. 2 *Ashton's POV*

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"I don't belive you" Was all she said. "I know you don't but I swear on my life that I am telling the truth." I said, hoping she would listen.

"Just go"

She pushed me away. I felt so broken. Everything was fine until now. I had just made ammends with my mum and then my own friend turns on me, making my girlfriend hate me. I wish she knew the truth. For once I was blameless. I was still in a bit of shock that Luke would even be so cold. It was so unlike him. I stood in Rowan's doorway, just examining her figure. 

"Ashton, I told you to leave!" She demanded. "Rowan I am telling you the truth! Why can't you just believe your own boyfriend?" I pleaded. "Because Ashton. I just can't" She answered. "Why Rowan?" "I don't know Ashton. I want to believe you. I really do, but my head keeps reminding me of Tyler. I know how you are when you don't know how to handle your emotions. You get physical. Your mind tells you to throw punches or beat up the first person you come across. I know that you've been working on it, but I knew you would eventually lash out, and you did."

"So you don't trust me?" "Ashton I-" "Rowan if we don't have trust what do we have?" There was silence. Words couldn't descibe how hurt I was. "We're supposed to be in this together. We're supposed to be able to trust each other! I would take a bullet for you, Rowan and you can't even believe me when I swear to you that I'm telling the truth?" I said, perhaps a little too harshly.

"You keep swearing that you're telling the truth, but I saw you getting ready to punch Luke!" She argued. "If you don't believe me after everything I said to you then you might not ever believe a word I say!" I shouted. "Well then maybe we should just take a break!" She yelled back. "Maybe we should!" "Fine!" "Fine!"

I exited her room angrily and ran into my room. I saw my reflection in the mirror and noticed that my jaw had a small purple bruise on it. I didn't even care to show anyone. Nobody would even care. I was so done with Rowan. I had said everything I could to convince her. At the same time, I was hoping that she still loved me. I still loved her.

I laid on the bed with my eyes shut, not allowing any tears to come out. I wish I never came to this summer house in the first place. 

I laid in my bed fighting tears for most of the night. Rowan was right, I had no idea how to handle my emotions. I looked at the clock. It read 22:37. I buried my face in my pillow. I felt my heart breaking. I wanted to go home. Maybe I should. 

My thoughts were interrupted by a soft knock on the door. "Go away!" I groaned. The person ignored me and walked in anways. I didn't look up from my pillow to see who it was. "Ash. Pull yourself together man." "Leave me alone Calum." I moaned. "Ashton get up." He said. "No." I said back. He pulled me up and made me sit up. "Ashton you have a big bruise on your jaw." He pointeded out. Of course I did, Luke punched me. "Wait! Ashton! You have a big bruise on your jaw!" He said again. "I told you!" I snapped. 

"Ash you were telling the truth the whole time?!" He asked. "Well I sure wasn't lying." I snorted. "Ashton I'm so sorry!" "I was telling the truth, and you guys didn't believe me? My friends and my girlfriend. Wish you could have realized it sooner, because she wants to take a break because of you guys." I snapped. 

"Ashton." "What' "Do you eh, maybe want me to talk to them all? I can explain to Rowan." He offered. "That would be nice of you." I sighed. "Just not tonight. Tomorrow. I think I may try to get some shut eye." "Alright. I'm so sorry Ashton.I'll try to make it up to you." "You don't have to make it up to me. Misunderstandings happen. There isn't anything I can do about it." 

"Alright, goodnight Ash." "Goodnight Cal" 

I laid in bed until I heard everyone go in their rooms. I knew that Rowan would already be tucked away in bed sound asleep. I moved the covers off of me and walked quietly out of my room and down the hall to Rowan's room. I opened the door slowly. There she was. Her lovely, peaceful body. I watched her as her chest rose and fell slowly. She looked beautiful.

I crawled on the bed next to her and got under the covers. I wrapped my arms around her thin waist and pulled her warm body close to mine. I kissed her head and closed my eyes.

"Oh Rowan, if you only you knew. I would never lie to you. I don't want to take a break. You're right, dear. I don't know how to handle my emotions. I don't want it to be like this. I don't want to be known as the bad boy anymore, because I'm really not. I just want it to be you and I forever. I want to be beside you forever. I am truly, madly, deeply in love with you. I wish you knew that I'm being sincere." I whispered in her ear, knowing that she would not hear me. Part of me wanted her to hear. I wanted her to know that I never meant any of this trouble. I was just being protective. I didn't want anyone to steal her away from me.

I shut my eyes and made all of my anxious thoughts escape my mind for the present. This is all I wanted at the moment. Me and my love together. Her in my arms, protected. I knew from that moment that I would never let anybody lay a finger on her ever again.

A/N- Enjoy the chinese food! It's like my favorite food ever I never stop craving it

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