Why You

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Two weeks passed. Rowan and Ashton continued tutoring. Rowan hated it even more by the day, and Ashton loved it more by the day. He passed the biology exam with an 89, and his hsitroy exam with a 90. He didn't have to go to boarding school which made him very happy. It was a normal school day... so far

*Rowan's POV*
I was walking to my math class with Mia, when I heard a few screams and cheers. I walked around the corner and to my horror, I found Ashton on the floor of the hall with one of the big time bullies, throwing punches and hits left and right.

Not knowing what to do, I immediately ran to get a teacher, while Mia stayed behind. I got Mr. Johnson, and he came with me to the scene of the fight. "Break it up!" He yelled. He grabbed Ashton by the arm and yanked him away. The other kid ran out the doors as fast as his legs could take him.

"You're going strait to the principal, Irwin" Mr. Johnson snapped. Ashton groaned, as if he were being arrested. Ashton's once warm and kindly face turned into a cold scowl. He shot a cold expression at me and mouthed 'you're dead' to me.

I broke down into tears right then and there. "Shush up, Rowan, you did the right thing" Mia whispered in my ear. "He's going to hate me!" I sobbed. "I thought you hated him. Why would it matter?" Mia asked. "I think I was starting to like him" I confessed.

"Rowan, the jerk just mouthed 'you're dead' to you. Why would you care for someone like that? You shouldn't" I nodded and wiped up my tears. Mia was right, and just like that, my heart hardened towards him again.

*Ashton's POV*
I sat outside the principal's office, with Mr. Johnson watched me like a hawk. So many thoughts ran through my mind. I should've known that stupid Rowan would eventually tattle on me. Such a goody goody. Can't ever let loose for once.

What worried even more was what would happen to me once my mum found out that her "little angel" was the school bully. It would crush her. My siblings would be scared of me. I might not be able to hang with the guys anymore. Rowan hates me. She always has and she always will.

"Irwin, get in here" Mr. Simmons, the principal said harshly. "Have a seat" he said, gesturing towards a chair in front of his big black desk. I gulped.

"Mr. Irwin, I've heard rumors of you being a bully,and I didn't ever believe them. I always thought it was a clash of personalities. But now I see that I was very wrong indeed. Violence is not permitted at our school, and I have no choice but to expel you from our school."

My heart sank. Not because I just got kicked out of school, but because of the consequences that were laying before me. "I'm going to give you mother a call and she can come pick you up. You may wait here after you gather your things from your locker."

"ASHTON FLETCHER IRWIN WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO SAY FOR YOURSELF!?" Mum yelled furiously. I sat there, no words coming out. I had no words. "JUST WHEN I WAS SO PROUD OF YOU FOR PULLING UP YOUR GRADES YOU GET KICKED OUT OF THE VERY SCHOOL!" I could feel myself shaking and turning red.

"WORDS CANNOT EXPRESS HOW FURIOUS I AM! THREE YEARS ASHTON IRWIN! THERE HAVE BEEN COMPLAINTS ABOUT YOU FOR THREE FREAKING YEARS! That poor girl that had to tutor such a jerk. I am so disappointed in you. I have no idea how I am going to punish you for this but I can promise you that you aren't going to like it one bit. Go to your room and sit on your bed and think over the last three years of your life young man. I am so upset with you."

I went right up to my room and sat on my bed. I buried my face in my hands, so ashamed of myself. I felt a burning hate for Rowan. I had to get back at her. That's all I could think about. Revenge.

Three hours later, Mum called me downstairs. "Ashton, I'm sending you away for the summer. Go upstairs and pack your bags. I don't care where you go, just leave Sydney and don't come back until September when you're eighteen. I don't want to do this, but you leave me no other choice. Say goodbye to Lauren and Harry."

I sigh deeply and pack my bags.

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