Chapter 4 - His Voice

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Bakugo was pissed off.

From the small yet densely important discoveries in the file report of the burnt down warehouse, he only hit dead ends.

It was an abandoned property of Nakamura Enterprises, which they hadn't monitored for the past five years. And since they had no personnel overseeing the area, Bakugo couldn't request access to their database for any further investigation.

To add on to that frustrating circumstance, apparently, the security feed of the entire coast was destroyed in a flooding at the police department a day after the explosion.

It was all too convenient for Bakugo's taste.

Tapping his steering wheel relentlessly, he waited at the gate of his community to scan the chip hidden in the nameplate of his car.

The neighborhood he lived in, Midnight Hills, was a well protected gated community with topnotch twenty-four-seven surveillance, a full self-defense system, and other various extreme security measures.

To enter, the heroes must have their handprint or retina scanned and there is a voice recognition software if they would like to use it as well. For their vehicles there are multiple hidden places a security chip could be placed to be detected by the security gate; each hero decides where they put the chip so it's unique to them.

After the minute wait, Bakugo revved the engine, heading straight to his home in the heart of the neighborhood. He jerks his convertible to a stop, slamming the door open and shut, while stomping his way to the door. Jamming the key into the keyhole, he twisted the lock, kicking the door wide open.

The moment he stepped in his house, his anger dissipated into thin air.


Usually he would continue his stomping to the training room, letting off steam by punching a sandbag with a picture of teenage Deku plastered on the leather cover. Well, guess that is not on today's agenda.

At a glance, the entire house seemed untouched. But after taking a closer look, little details showed signs of change. From his peripheral vision, he noticed the few dishes drying in the black dish rack next to the sink. On the corner of the island was his laptop open wide with a bubble screensaver playing on loop, a crimson mug sitting right next to it.

He forgot all about that mug. Deku gave it as a gift when he opened his agency, as a sign of affirmation of how the ash blond had always been an important person in his life. Bakugo never planned on using the mug, thinking it was another way for the beta to look down on him.

But whenever he found himself knee-deep in self-doubt he would find himself drinking a cup of mandarin tea in that very plain mug. And whenever he read the quote at the end of the soothing drink, his doubts silenced themselves letting his resolve get stronger ten-fold. He was honestly very grateful for possessing the affirmative mug, not that he would ever tell that to Deku.

His vermillion eyes trailed from the kitchen to the living room. He was looking for the omega who was responsible for the little differences in his home. Her subtle scent of caramel infused with hints of vanilla and cinnamon lingered in the main area of the house, signifying that she was still there.

Yet, he couldn't see her anywhere.

Closing his eyes, he honed on his other senses to find the omega. Inhaling the cold air of his abode, he followed the scent blindly. After a few steps his ears perked at the sounds of soft rumbles emerging from the omega's throat. Blinking his ruby eyes open he bore holes into the graphite furniture. Like a tiger stalking their prey, Bakugo tiptoed towards the source of the faint sound, peering over the back of the comfy couch.

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