Chapter 51 - Xerox Copy

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The sun was sifting through the clouds in the late morning, the warmth giving little comfort to the pair of heroes in the agency's temporary housing main lounge. Eijiro was pacing back and forth while Shoto sat on the sofa facing the T.V., his eyes trained on the other's tense shoulders and worried brows.

Neither had any words to provide to soothe the other, it was the first time they'd been so abruptly affected by Katsuki's pheromones, the first time they felt so useless to help their friend.

The creak of the door caught their attention with Eijiro freezing his stride and Shoto's eyes finding green curls and a dismal frown amongst freckles.

"How is he?" Eijiro asked, rushing to Midoriya who uncurled his clenched fists hearing the concern in his voice.

"Out like a light." He looked down at his hands.

The same hands that held Katsuki as he broke down, that wiped his tears despite his hung head hiding his face behind his hair, that held his shoulders when he started whispering his fears, his despair.

A quiet extended between them, the overhead air conditioning buzzing with white noise filling the unsaid words of concern they were all thinking. That was until Shoto spoke up with a grated voice, his gaze flitting from Midoriya's hands and Eijiro's shoulders.

"I can't imagine what he is going through." He said.

"I can't imagine what Hina's going through." Eijiro added, "To make Bakugo pass out from pain. It's just..." He sighed shakily, closing his eyes as his eyes watered. Katsuki's words echoed, and the thought of Mina in Hina's place- he felt overwhelmed with empathy for his best bro.

"I don't think it's just the pain." Midoriya whispered, his chest tight as his voice tumbled from his tongue. "He's being mentally and emotionally drained. Not only was he already worried for her, but now-" He swallowed, trying to remove the pebble in his throat. "Now he feels the pain she's going through. And he can't do anything to take it away."

"All except save her." Eijiro said.

"We don't have any leads." Shoto clenched his fist, standing up abruptly and joining the two with his visible conviction.

"Then we'll find some leads." Eijiro completed Shoto's thought, the three nodding their head in concession. "We owe it to him." Because if it was the other way around, he would've done everything to help them; they all knew this.

Midoriya turned around, walking out the door and the other two following behind him as they went to the main conference hall with the NVA's facts written out for all to see.

An agreement echoed between them, a single thought they shared when they reached the room and started to search everything and anything they could.

We have no time to waste.


Hina could barely comprehend her surroundings. She felt the floor cold and jagged as she was dragged by her arm, felt pain still vibrating through her body as it thrummed slowly, pinched every few seconds as the aftershocks of the initial injection went through.

She heard a grumble from the person near her, and then an explosion shook the ground, pebbles on the floor scattering as the vibrations came closer. Her senses heightened and her eyes widened as she heard another explosion shake through the walls, heard a shrill scream of unadulterated rage.

"Katsuki," She whispered, weakly pulling away from the person dragging her.

The door was thrown off its hinges from a powerful explosion and smoke filled the entrance. When the smoke cleared, a man eclipsed the light from the halls. A man with spiky hair, broad shoulders, and red eyes.

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