Chapter 5 - Distant Relations

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Three long days have passed since the incident of Hina's nightmare.

And the two of them completely avoided each other the entire time. Their disjoint schedules keeping life stagnant.

Bakugo would wake up at the crack of dawn, changing his morning workout routine from an indoor to an outdoor one. After his daily conditioning, he would quickly get ready for work opting to pick up breakfast on the way instead of his usual homemade omelet and toast.

All this extra effort was to make sure the ravenette wouldn't wake up from the commotion.

After how she coldly told him that his presence is very much unwanted, he thought it best to indulge her wishes of staying away. The last thing he wanted to experience is to be treated like the plague when he was trying to come to a common ground; it would just get him all pissy in the morning.

Hina would usually wake up one to two hours after the ash blond leaves. Making her own breakfast and entertaining herself with the laptop.

By lunch time, she ate the leftovers from last night saving a portion for her dinner meal. Before sunset, she does an hour of yoga and goes to take a quick shower right after, eating dinner before six o'clock.

She knew Bakugo came to his house around eight, so she would lock herself in her room by seven to avoid any interaction with the alpha.

It wasn't like avoiding him was any help from dousing the torment of the mentally scarring memories. She just felt guilty about all that transpired the night she vomited. The way he slammed the door when she asked him to leave, only took away the little courage Hina had to face him.

Not only that, Hina realized that she wasn't making it any easier for the alpha hero.

From what she gathered from online, he has a high temperament and usually communicates in angry bouts.

But not once has he raised his voice when speaking with her. He may be annoyed but he never resorted to shouting with her. And he quietly complied with her silent demands for space and well... ignoring each other's existence.

Ever since the beginning of her stay, the alpha had only shown kindness, in his own silent and restrained way.

In return, all she had been giving the ash blond was an ice cold shoulder.

Nonetheless, Hina wasn't planning on changing their current situation. How ever guilty she may feel towards the ruby-eyed blond, it doesn't outweigh the impact of the voice in her head.

The voice constantly echoed, "Remember, it's all Bakugo's fault."

However, today Bakugo would overlook her steely attitude towards him, as he had some activities in store for the explosive duo.


At the stroke of four in the afternoon, Hina finished folding her small load of laundry, and headed downstairs to grab a small snack. When she reached at the foot of the stairs she heard the click of the lock twisting from the front door.

As the door swung wide open, she froze like deer at headlights, revealing the last person she wanted to see.

Katsuki Bakugo.

With a permanent scowl etched on his face, he stepped in muttering a quiet "I'm home" from habit.

He wasn't expecting any response in return. So, when he heard a soft "welcome home" emanate from the dark haired omega, he curiously glanced at her form. It lasted only for a split second, and then Bakugo continued treading to the kitchen.

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