Chapter 40 - Say I Love You

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Hina woke up to warmth blooming on her back, traces of circles soothing her on her sternum. Hot breath heated her ear, an arm curled around her torso, swaddling her lithe frame.

She fidgeted in the embrace, humming in content when a soft pressure brought her closer to the wall of muscle behind her, the weight making her feel safe.

"Mornin'" A whisper so low and so tender, that it trickled into her ear; a nose brushed along her jaw while lips that were chapped at the edges, pressed against her gland.

She smiled softly, snuggling closer, lacing her fingers with the hand at her sternum.

"Morning, Katsuki."

She shuddered as he pressed his gland against hers, their scent mingling into one perfume they both associated with safety and peace. Associated with home. He shuddered too, a croon rumbling in his chest as he held her closer, as he kissed her gland too.

The empathy link diffused with a simmering affection, the heat like a fire's. Ever consuming yet addicting when facing cool mornings as the one they were in.

A shift of her legs and Hina untangled them from his, turning around so she could meet his eyes. They were still bleary from sleep, the dim twilight rays only making his reds a deep maroon, the specks of lavender a dark mulberry.

His hair was messy from sleep, the spikes in more directions than she thought possible and exposing his forehead. She cupped his cheek, her pointer caressing his temple and then combing through his hair to the base of his skull. The light scratches made him sink further into the mattress, a sigh leaving his lips as he closed his eyes, relaxing from her light touches.

Unbeknownst to him, her lips were curved upward, her eyes shining from just how soft and vulnerable he was with her. However, it wasn't just his tenderness that made her so mollified.

It was the small, barely-there, content smile he adorned.

And when she felt his devotion, his passion bleed through, she couldn't help but flush rose at the tips of her ears, nose, and the apples of her cheeks.

She pecked his nose, her own fondness meshing with his, and he brought his hand on her hip, pulling her closer.

"If ya wanna kiss me," he murmured with his deep, sinfully scratchy morning voice which Hina'd never get tired of, "ya better do it right."

She pouted, mocking ignorance. "I don't know what you mean."

He grinned wide with mischief, his teeth visible from the challenge. "You know exactly what I mean."

She giggled, kissing his cheek to his temple to his forehead to his nose to his other cheek and ending at his jaw. Her lips broadened when she saw his eyes widen and his mouth part with a light flush of pink.


He scowled, half-hearted and in mock annoyance, biting the apple of her cheek lightly in response. And with a laugh, Hina snuggled into him, her nose beside his as she laid her hands on his chest.

"How was your sleep?" she mumbled, her lips barely touching his.

"The best." He murmured, gently pressing his mouth on the corner of hers. "Yours?"

"The best."

"Better be." Hina could feel him smile. "Now, tell me. What did Pinky exactly tell ya?"

Katsuki felt the heat simmer off of her cheeks, felt how her fingers twitched against his skin. He brought a hand at the base of her spine, pressing her closer to him so his lips brushed her ear.

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