Chapter 34 - Finally, You're Mine

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Hina hated hospitals.

The scent of alcohol burning down her throat, the color of sea foam green accenting the expanse of plain white walls and gray metal doors reminded her of her time in the beachside warehouse. Bright lights stung her eyes then and they do now, the lab coats of doctors rushing in the hallways were shadows of her nightmares.

Involuntarily, she shuddered when a nurse came to ask if she needed anything, the fake empathy reminding her of times when she was given news of loss. News of death.

She was in a hospital when her parents were declared dead from gunshot wounds. She was in a hospital when the heroes told her that her sister passed as well.

Now, she was waiting on news for Bakugo's well being.

And considering her track record of the people closest to her dying in a hospital, she couldn't help but let the ball of anxiety grow in the pit of her stomach. Her foot was shaking relentlessly, her hands intertwined and clasped tightly in her lap, her gaze fixated on the gray specks of the white linoleum.

Bakugo was in surgery. Apparently one of the lacerations on his leg was too deep, the muscle torn and an artery just grazed which led to excessive blood loss.

The surgery was just shy of three hours in. And the doctors said it should take roughly three hours to finish so they would be out any minute. But to her, those three hours felt like an eternity. She can't imagine how she could bear another minute of waiting in the figurative dark.

She sighed, leaning back on the chair, biting on her lower lips as she closed her eyes and let a tear of frustration slide down her cheek bone and towards her ear. She saw red behind her eyelids, the same red that'd sparkle in his irises.

She just wished she could see them again. The snark and his hidden affection swirling in those beautiful cardinal eyes. She'd stare at them, admiring the rare purple flecks in the center which she found so surprising to find. The fact she discovered the purple in his eyes when she was drowning in a panic attack, the color always brought comfort to her. And when in such despair, she wanted that comfort more than ever.

The comfort and the assurance of his presence, with his broad frame towering over hers yet his so gentle touch. And even with his brash words, the meaning behind them coupled with the silent empathy he provided when she was suffocating from her fractured self confidence, from the remembrance of her past demons, she'd always have inexplicable warmth blooming in her chest.

She leaned forward again, her elbows on her knees as she quickly rubbed the streak from her lone tear with the back of her hand. She sniffled, letting go of her bottom lip and swallowing the lump in her throat.

I'll get to see all of that again. She reminded herself, one hand covering her mouth as betraying tears welled up again. I'll get to see him again.

Pulling her out of her depressive vacancy was a warm hand on her shoulder and the scent of strong cardamom and bittersweet apricots.

She looked up and was met with those red eyes she so desperately wanted to see.

But taking them in a moment more, she realized they were missing those crucial flicks of purple in the center.

Because those eyes belonged to his mother, Mitsuki Bakugo

"Sweetie." Mitsuki whispered softly, her grip tightening softly, her thumb coursing back and forth.

Hina's eyes widened, and then a single quiet sob broke from her lungs from the familiar sensation, the dam of her tears leaving her with no volition.

Mitsuki crouched down, wrapping her arms around Hina and soothing her silent shaky cries.

It took Hina only a minute to recollect herself, the tears stopping and her breaths puffing out weakly.

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