Chapter 12 - The Forest

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Sweat glistened on Hina's temple as she struggled to keep up with Bakugo's animalistic stamina. The loose dirt on the ground sliding as she struggled to climb uphill, the light breeze and the shady trees providing less comfort than she'd expect.

Hiking. That's what Bakugo meant by not training her quirk. At least that's what Hina thought he meant.

She trudged along, only a few feet behind the alpha who was strolling the pathway as though it was a walk in a park.

In a way it was for him. Especially since he'd usually explore multiple trails on these nearby mountains, hoping to find a good and isolated place to rock climb in solidarity.

He chose this trail since it was the easiest, and because it led to a small clearing hidden by walls of tall pine trees.

He glanced over his shoulder to check on Hina, and rolled his eyes when he saw her in a sweaty, dusty mess.

"We aren't even half-way there and you're already out of it?" He asked condescendingly, a smirk playing on his lips.

She heaved, glaring at his towering frame. "I don't hike, baka." She fussed, wiping her brow with the back of her hand.

His eye twitched, growling in annoyance. He turned around and started stomping up the trail faster than before, ignoring her groans and retorting murmurs.

She struggled but didn't let the gap between them widen anymore; it felt like years until they'd finally reached the clearing. The ground was mostly blanketed with a thin veneer of brown dirt, small patches of grass and small piles of pine cones and needles littering the floor. There was a fresh dirt trail on the other side of the clearing, much thinner, leading to a denser part of the forest.

On the nearest bed of grass Hina slumped, laying down like a starfish, her deep breaths coming out in puffs.

Bakugo loomed over her, sneering with his rubies glaring at her disheveled appearance. "You're pathetic." He said, disapproval lacing his tongue. "We barely hiked for fifteen minutes."

Her frown deepened, almost rivaling his signature scowl. "Sorry to disappoint."

He clicked his tongue, extending his left arm.

She just stared at him skeptically, her brow arching up in silent question.

Bakugo squinted his eyes, snarling at her hesitance. "You want help or not?!" He spat.

She rolled her eyes which only pulled another snarl from his throat. Still, she took his hand, eyeing the leather cuff encasing his wrist with curiosity.

What could he be hiding underneath that? A scar? But he wore his scars with pride, never bothering to hide the more ghastly ones on his arms. So why? Why does he have his left wrist covered at all times? Maybe it's a gift? Maybe its a fashion statement?

Before she could further contemplate, Bakugo flicked her forehead, turning around to the more leveled ground.

"Get your head out of the clouds, Space Cadet. You need to pay attention."

"Space Cadet?" She whisper yelled. "Is it so hard to call me by my name?"

"I don't call anyone by their name unless they're familiar." He replied, his back still facing her while tapping the tip of his shoe against the ground. "And you're not familiar."

"Makes sense, I guess." Hina crossed her arms, scrutinizing the dirt ground. "So what are we doing here?"

"Hand-to-hand combat training." He turned around to face her, crossing his arms, not noticing how he was mimicking her. "I'm gonna teach you how to defend yourself so if you ever get in a situation you can't use your quirk, you can still fight back."

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