Chapter 45 - The Fear of Loneliness

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Sorry for the late update bubs. I can't promise it won't happen again, but I'll try my best.

Update for the story as a whole: the chapter count has been readjusted and that was cause I realized there was a lot of unnecessary fillers and many ch. could be merged and had to reconstruct that before continuing writing again. So now we are a bit passed the halfway mark but let's celebrate anyway. O(∩_∩)O

This chapter really drained me, and the upcoming stuff is not any less heavy. Might need some tissues; I did when writing this. T-T

TW/CW: Descriptions/implications of severe depression and self-hate.


Katsuki was angrily chopping vegetables for their lunch.

Yesterday was on his mind and he really hated how this villain organization was slipping through his fingers with every lead the heroes would get. Nakamura Enterprises was another dead end, the technological department found no traces to how Ryuusei's assets were given to an offshore account with no traces to who's earning that money. The name it was under was a fake, and the true identity was up in the wind somewhere. Some-freaking-where.

The only little thread of a lead they've received from the goose chase was that Nakamura Enterprises had good relations with the Hiyokunas. Put both names together and Katsuki could only connect their similar archaic thought processes on what the structure of society should be like.

Alphas protect, betas progress, omegas produce.

It's all bullshit thinking if you ask Katsuki, and that didn't correlate with the NVA's way of doing things either. Not with how many omegas and alphas they have working together with a practically authentic hierarchy they've constructed themselves.

The only other possible lead could've been some rivaling company to Nakamura Enterprises' success, but there were who could even compare to the conglomerate's success.

After that disastrous meeting with Eiyyu's best and brightest, Katsuki was ready to murder his Deku punching bag the moment he stepped in his home. Hina's scent and the dastard, betraying empathy link diffused all that anger, replacing it with a lulling warmth of peace.

It was getting infuriating with how he couldn't even get angry for more than a handful of minutes.

He wondered how Hina's anger was like, and wanted to see if that'd allow him to be angry for once.

Following Hina's understanding and compassion for his much needed release of fury, she changed their plans for an in home session and went to a hike instead. Something Hina dreaded every step of the way. Her façade of enthusiasm despite feeling how much she despised the activity only sent his heart swelling and made him change the training session into something more special. More intimate.

He taught her how to fly.

Katsuki smiled to himself as he sliced the vegetables at a more safer pace, the angry chopping now a thing of the very close past.

Leave it to just a memory of Hina laughing and chortling in delight while holding onto him for dear life to simmer his anger into nonexistence. It really was infuriating with how much of a hold she had on him.

Speaking of the minx, Hina was heading down the stairs as he finished the last carrot and put them in the dish for the spicy curry she'd asked for this morning.

Silently, she went to the fridge, possibly grabbing the hot sauce she knew he needed. But after a few moments of prolonged silence as she stared at the fridge got him more antsy than neccesary. He really hated the cold.

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