Chapter 72 - Colors Galore

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Today was too slow for Katsuki's taste. The most exciting thing was stolen goods: a few insignificant crates of fireworks from a shipment meant for the Hiyokuna Clan's annual celebration of the nine-tailed fox.

He fumed as the Shiketsu intern gave him the news with Izuku and Denki present in his room. Why was all the cases going just so cold and uninteresting? He wanted some real progress on the NVA. He needed it.

"Seems too on the nose that Hina's quirk is fireworks no?" Denki said with a teasing smile, "They should just kidnap Hina so she could make all the colors of the rainbow on the night of the celebration."

"Denki-kun," Izuku scolded, "Too soon."

Denki shrunk into himself as he realized what he'd said. "Sorry, Baku-"

"I'm not made of glass, you idiots." Katsuki grumbled, "Wasn't as bad as your other jokes but wasn't great either."

"Right," Denki said, "Imma just-" and he darted out of his office.

Katsuki scoffed while Izuku sniffed, half-amused and half-winced, at Denki's fumble.

"So," Izuku started, "How are you two doing?"


"Just fine?"

"More than fine," Katsuki conceded, "She's finally healing."

"That's great. After dealing with that quirk accident I can't imagine how hard it could've been."

Katsuki nodded, glaring at the report of the stolen fireworks on his tablet. He was trying to read through it while trying to ignore the fact that Hina had barely two weeks since she'd become an adult again. Just when will she finally get a break from all the stupid shit the NVA have been throwing at her?

"Yeah," Katsuki flatly grunted, "She's handlin' better than expected. Doc says the quirk accident actually helped distract from the shit that happened on the island."

"That's good, Kacchan," Izuku said, "If you ever need to talk you know I'm always here."

"Yeah, yeah All Might wannabe. I know."

Izuku chuckled, rubbing the back of his head and fluffing the small amount or curls on his head.

"Somethings just don't change, do they?"

But Katsuki didn't hear him. He was too focused on the report in his hand. And then his eyes widened when he finally read the glaring amount of fireworks stolen.

Four tons of explosives. That could level a multi-story building.

Izuku noticed the shock in Katsuki's expression, the way he'd clenched tighter against the tablet and heard the metal creak under his palm.

"What is it?" Izuku asked.

Katsuki turned the tablet and showed him the glaring amount.

Then Izuku gasped, his eyes, green and bright, peeled open in shock.

"They stole four tons?!"

"We need to figure out where the hell those crates went," Katsuki tapped aggressively on the screen and sent the report to the tech division a few floors above him. "We need to install our own surveillance at the coast too. They keep conveniently shuttin' down."

"Hitoshi-kun is already planning the mission that. They're doing it at night to not let it be known to general public."

Katsuki huffed through flared nostrils. "The idiot's stealth needs work."

"He isn't that bad. Aizawa Sensei taught him after all."

"Not as great as Invisible Girl."

"Ah yeah. Ochako-chan told me she's in Italy right now."

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