Chapter 20 - Cinnamon Latte Beside a Fireplace

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Again the omega's heart was beating out of her chest, her lungs painfully constricted from the pressure of her terror.

Except her vision wasn't black this time. A single bright light was lit above her strapped frame on a metal table. The wires snaking from the machines beside the table and coiling up the metal legs and to her arms, the needles pricking and prodding through her milky unscathed skin.

She couldn't move her head, nor her ankles or wrists. But she could wiggle her fingers, her toes.

Her breaths, more ragged, ricocheted off the metal walls, the panic in her stomach twisting and twisting until it overtakes her entire being.

Then she heard footfalls, large and deep, her hands trying and trying to escape the leather cuffs.

"Who are you?" She asked in the blinding light, her eyes frantically searching and searching for the source of the ominous footfalls. "Tell me!"

A sinister chuckle echoed, a stout doctor with goggles walked to her head, leaning over from above.

"Ready my perfect specimen?" He asked, as though he was being kind, as though he was trying to help her and not torture her. "This will be all over soon."

Before she could retort, pain shot up her spine, enticing a screech of pain from her throat.

The pain didn't stop, and the omega kept screaming, screaming, screaming, and thrashing and kicking and seizing her limbs.

Then the pain stopped, her throat was hoarse, dry, her sound were only empty croaks.

"Do you remember me, doll?" A new voice echoed, thumping into Hina's skull. "Do you remember OMEGA!"

"Remember," another voice, deeper, grittier, pounded in her mind, refusing to let her forget. "it's all Bakugo's fault."

Tears streamed down her face, as the assault of many voices reverberated in her skull, the physical agony numbing her touch.

Blue flames shot over her body, the heat scorching her and pulling another shrill scream from her lungs, her voice surprisingly still loud and full.

"I'm coming little omega." The final phrase echoed.

Hina yelped as she opened her eyes wide, and was faced with a wall of caramel.

She then realized that her face was in the chest of a man, an alpha, and their hand was tucked behind her obsidian tresses.

Still clouded from the horror of her nightmare, she shoved the chest away, retreating her body as far as possible from the alpha.

"The hell Firework."

Oh... Bakugo... Bakugo!

"What do you mean 'the hell'!?" She sneered in a whisper, glaring at his figure that was still laying down on the bed.

He met his gaze to hers, the blue raging and crashing against his soft jelly eyes.

She was standing now, her muscles taut and ready to engage in combat, her scowl pulling her brows together and her lips grimacing further down, the wrinkles casting more menacing shadows on her face in the moonlit room.

"You're being an idiot. Nothing happened."

She growled, surprising the ash blond and eliciting a mellow growl of his own. "I know nothing happened." She snapped. "I want to know why the hell we're in the same bed. Why the hell you are in the same bed as me."

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