Chapter 69 - 24 Going On 4

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Hina felt awkward walking down the street with a hero by her side for the first time. Nothing on Mina, she wasn't even wearing her hero gear when walking by Hina's side in the cool breeze of autumn. However, a part of Hina realized that half the eyes on her were not because she was by Mina's side.

In fact, the majority of them may be from the tabloids. The supposed mate of the number two hero of Japan. The Dynamight's precious fated mate.

She'd read them intently, noting all the questions the general public seemed to have.

Why did Dynamight entertain his mate if he was never interested as he said in the past? Why did he hide his mark in the first place if he had the rare crimson mark? Was he terrified of villains using his mate as leverage?

And above all else was the single question every article ended with: Just who is Dynamight's fated mate?

In all honesty, Hina found it daunting, almost terrifying, to be in the sight of so many people. She was not looking forward to the judgment that will come with it. Nor was she inclined to share it with the public as many family members of heroes have.

The good thing was that Katsuki never indulged the public like many have.

So as he promised last night, he handled the press. It was the first thing he did in the morning, well second to brushing his teeth: he scolded his PR team, while throwing in colorful language, over the phone. And when they started to argue with him, he shouted at them while pacing across the foot of their bed.

Just him in his trunks and his disheveled spikes, he stomped left and right and back again until they seemed to come to an understanding.

Katsuki agreed to hold a press conference while Hina'd have her appointment with Dr. Nishiyama this afternoon. Then, she would walk in public with another hero just so the public could properly get to know the woman who was Dynamight's perfect half. Finally, there would be a professional photo shoot to release perfectly cured pictures of their liking.

The PR team's argument was to provide media tailored content within our comfort zone, decreasing the paparazzi's need to click pictures of the pair without their consent.

And while Katsuki continued to grumble after the call, obviously annoyed by the fact he has to compromise a part of his privacy, Hina could feel relief in his chest. This might've been not the most terrible option they could've been handed.

So, after her lengthy appointment with Dr. Nishiyama, Hina continued her stroll through downtown, trying to focus on the elaborate story Mina was telling her.

"I'm telling y, Eiji is been breathin' over my shoulder these days," Mina threw her hands in the air. "Like, he's the one who was injured severely, not me." She turned to Hina who was nodding mindlessly, "Tell me I'm not crazy for being annoyed."

"You're not being crazy."

"Thank you!"

"Alphas, am I right?"

Mina laughed from her chest. "Ya said it girly."

Hina smiled, her nerves calming just slightly so.

But that calmness was just an illusion, a false sense of security.

Because just as suddenly as she felt comfort wash over skin, a wave of goosebumps erupt down her spine.

She's in danger. Once again. She just knew it. The NVA is back to take her. In broad day light. She just knew it.

She turned around quickly, ready to fight whoever was coming.

But no one was there behind her. Just civilians walking past her with a confused gaze and cars waiting by the light.

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