Chapter 66 - Meeting Sensei

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It's been a long while... Shit happened. Finding work is difficult without a master's apparently, so I got caught up with prepping for the GRE; which royally sucks when you haven't touched math in three years mind you. And right when I thought shit couldn't get worse, my mom's best friend, someone I consider family more than my own blood relatives, passed away due to cancer just two days before my exam. I've never felt loss like I did with her and it took me a long time to just get a hold of going through the motions of life again, let alone writing. F*ck cancer. 

But I'm back now, ready and writing back at a normal pace like I did in the past. I've decided to take out the filler chapters that I had planned for part 3, shortening the book by 5 whole chapters. Ya know what that means, the end is coming much closer than anticipated. 
After this chapter, there will be 8 more chapters left.  

The goal is I finish writing it by the time November ends. And I'll do multiple publishes during the week depending on how far ahead I write. (I'm 3 chapters ahead at the moment).

Thanks for sticking around for so long, and hope the patience was worth it.

Happy reading! Love u bubs <3


"I'm nervous," She said, gliding a finger on the scent patches on her glands. They felt weird to wear after so long, and the itchiness, one that crawls around her neck, was no help.

Not to mention, the paparazzi downstairs acted as if it were a feeding frenzy. Because for the first time, the Katsuki Bakugo, the famous and revered Explosion Hero: Dynamight, had brought a plus one to a hero party. And no matter how discrete heroes host their parties, there was always a leak to the press simply for a good PR stunt.

And all that attention, all the flashes of lights and shouts for her to look into a lens and give a big smile for the people, only amplified her nerves. Only made her want to crawl into a ball and hide away from the public's eye.

Katsuki knew the risk. He even told her she didn't have to come because of the possibility—no, the surety—of the media hounding them. Yet, Hina was just as stubborn as Katsuki was. And she wanted a change of pace. She wanted to know more of Katsuki's life. Even if there were fractions of it unpleasant, she knew the good outweighed the bad.

Because if Katsuki wanted to go to a birthday party, especially when he usually hated such over the top celebrations, she knew the guest of honor was someone dear to him. Someone that was worth meeting: his esteemed Sensei, Shota Aizawa.

They were inside an elevator, away from the ruckus of the public and wrapped in the slow jazz just buzzing around them.

He glanced at her shuddering frame, standing closer to her so she could feel comfort from his warmth. "It'll be okay," he said, pulling their intertwined hands to his lips to kiss the back of her hand. "Ya know half of the shitheads."

"Don't call your friends shitheads."

"They will be in there. You'll see. Ya can't trust half of 'em with their alcohol."


The elevator dinged, the doors slowly opening to reveal the loud music vibrating through the walls.

"Tch. Let's go."

Again, he pulled her through the yellow lit halls, his grip tight but gentle in her hand. They meet Momo and Kyoka just outside the party hall, which was dimmed and filled with neon lights among the guests.

It didn't look like Aizawa's taste; which was peculiar seeing this was his birthday party. Katsuki supposed Present Mic, Hizashi Yamada, was the one who planned the party for his best friend. Him and Shirakumo probably. Besides the neon flashes amongst the crowd, the décor was embellished with goldens, blacks, and whites.

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