Chapter 49 - Gone

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Thank you bubs much for 4K reads! I'm absolutely ecstatic and so honored to have so many people support and enjoy this book! 

Now back to the program; apologies for the angst that is coming up 〒▽〒


"I'm going to kill them-"

"Kacchan," Midoriya trailed behind a very rageful Katsuki who stormed through the agency. "Kacchan. Please slow down."

"I can't slow down!" He snapped, the rumbling in his throat from irritation. "They took her."

He slammed the double doors of his office open, not caring the heavy oak nearly swung back on Midoriya with heavy force.

"I understand that-"

Katsuki released an explosion from his palm, turning his head to glare at the hero behind him from over his shoulder.

"You don't understand anything." He seethed, his eyes glinting with something vicious and borderline feral. "Don't give me your whole relating bullshit. You understand nothing."

Midoriya swallowed the words that were following, his hands clenched on either side. There was truth there. He didn't understand anything when it came to fated mates and their bond. Hell, he knew nothing when it came to subgender dynamics at all.

"You're right. I don't know anything when it comes to fated mates and your instincts. But-" He clenched his jaw, taking a few daring steps forward. "I do know how it feels to be powerless when you see the people you love most disappear. And I know, to find her faster, we have to proceed with a clear mind."

"That's easier said than done, Izuku." They heard Shoto's voice from behind them.

The pair of heroes turned around to see Shoto and Eijiro walking inside the office and closing the doors behind them.

"Bakubro," Eijiro took two steps forward only to stop when he felt Katsuki's murderous aura seeping towards him. "We want to help, but please try and calm down. Everyone outside is stressed from the your pheromones."

A threatening growl thundered in Katsuki's chest, his eyes practically glowing at Eijiro as he spoke.

"If Mina were in Hina's place would ya be calm right now?"

Eijiro swallowed, shaking his head in denial.

"Thought so." Katsuki then turned his attention to Shoto. "And if ya understand the shitty emptiness I freakin' feel, get the hell out and take Deku with ya."

"But Kach-"


The alpha command reverberated with the two alphas in an instant, both huffing heavy stressful breaths as their eyes widened in shock.

Neither blamed Katsuki for his distress, for his outburst. But neither were prepared for their inner alphas to willingly submit so easily with a single command.

"Let's go, Izuku." Shoto whispered, his hand grabbing the true beta by the arm.

Midoriya was still shaken, but seeing the two alphas visibly disturbed from Katsuki's fierce voice, he listened quietly, and his concern for his childhood friend only amplified.

While the two left, Eijiro lingered at the door, peering over his shoulder one last time. Katsuki was visibly shuddering, vibrating in rage or devastation, he couldn't tell. With a final pinch of his eyes, he closed the door behind him.

The moment Katsuki heard the knob click in place, he breathed heavily, thinking of all that happened.

As he thought and thought, his breaths grew more restless, his eyes frantically flitting between the images he was seeing in his mind.

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