Chapter 33 - Watch Closely

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I am here! 
Wanna start with THANK YOU SM FOR 2K READS! I'm legit over the moon! This is insane <3
It's been a short while bubs, but the wait is over (I hope it wasn't too bad on your guys' part). We back to our weekly schedule, but it can change based on how my university load goes. 

Once again TW: gore; physical, mental, and psychological torture. Please read with caution.

Enjoy reading!
Love y'all <3


Bakugo shivered, his teeth chattering and his limbs quaking. He swore the room's temperature got colder the past hour. Then again, the drop in his temperature that he felt could have resulted from all the blood he lost.

He glanced at the laceration running down his left thigh, his muscle just peeking through the opening of skin that had blood scabbed over. If he doesn't get stitches by the end of the day, the scar will be a nasty thing, almost contorting the way his superficial muscles are supposed to be organized.

The alpha that gifted him the cut was a man with a fear feeding quirk. He never experienced such primal terror as he did then. The way his anxiety skyrocketed and his heart rate started to race away, he thought he'd die from just the horror he felt.

It was like all the things that scared him were flashing before his eyes. Ghosts in kid stories, the slime monster taking him hostage once again, All Might's end. But the worst one, the one that had him nearly screaming in both worry and anger, was seeing Hina hurt. Was seeing Hina dead.

Her mangled body, littered with injuries both big and small, laid in front of him.

And just as Dabi promised, she begged in a whisper, "to please end it all."

"Just so the pain could stop," she said with tears in her eyes, with regret laced in her voice.

And even though he knew it wasn't real, he knew it was all the sadistic alpha's quirk, he couldn't help but weep at seeing her smile as a knife pierced her heart.

He'd rather die than experience that ever again.

He doesn't care if it's either an illusion, or god forbid a reality, he doesn't want to ever go through that ever again.

Never again.

He heaved a deep, shaky breath as he tried to stray away from his fears and focus on the man who made him go through hell and back.

But no matter how much he shook his brain, all he could remember were two foreboding gray eyes. They reminded him of a dark stormy sky, of spotless concrete slates. If he stared long enough at them, he could feel the shudder creeping up his spine from the drab color.

His stomach started to grumble, his dry throat started to itch from the lack of water. These villains only gave him a bowl of cold stale oatmeal a day with a glass of water. Leaning back, he tilted his head back, his dulled merlot eyes falling on the dark metal ceiling. Ice started to crystalize in the joints of the ceiling's steel rectangle pieces, the frost spreading translucently outward from the center.

It reminded him of how Hina's emotions seeped within his consciousness the day he saw her name on his wrist. How it made him realize that since the day they scented, he'd been getting little pieces of her emotions in his day to day life. How, sometimes, a calming peace would wash over him, or a childish happiness would tickle him, or sadness would linger longer than he'd usually dwell on.

He shivered again, the needle in his collar piercing even deeper as he glanced left to the chains holding his hands down. He twisted his arm, straining his muscles despite the pain radiating from his wounds in waves. Because he had to see the tattoo again. He had to see her name.

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