Chapter 47 - I D̶o̶n̶'t̶ Hate You

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I am bacccckkk! Sorry for the delay bubs; my laptop broke and I needed to get it fixed. Now that it is working once again I'll resume my weekly schedule. 

Also, hope you noticed the new cover for the book :)

Enjoy reading!


Hina's shadow followed Katsuki everywhere. Even at work; especially at work.

There was an escort request today. They wanted one of the top ranked heroes to be there for the collection and transport of some rare merchandise shipment coming in from China.

Katsuki took the job thinking it'll help him distract himself from his inner turmoil. What he wasn't expecting was at least three trucks worth of special grade fireworks he had to oversee.

Stupid of them to even request such an important transfer with someone who's made to explode.

It worked out in the end but he doesn't understand the fuss. They said the Hiyokuna clan ordered them for a special celebration. Rumor has it that the heir is finally taken but no one is sure.

Katsuki thought it was just fantastic, grumbled it under his breath too when the crates filled with explosives finally reached one of the private islands the Hiyokunas owned.

Since this escort job was off the coast, he wrapped up things at work later than usual, and was coming home when the moon was at its summit.

He drove through the night drowsily, grumbling in annoyance how today was just another useless day at work. How, even with the nuisance of an escort job he took, the guilt and dread curling in his stomach only amplified.

Soon he reached the gates of Midnight Hills and with the customary scan he entered the community and zoomed home. He had to cook dinner; Hina already did breakfast and lunch and it was only fair he cooked the third meal of the day.

When he saw his home at the end of the cul-de-sac, he saw a shadow standing above his home. Then the shadowed figure jumped off his roof and into the bushes of his front yard. With a screech, he slammed the breaks, and rushed out of his car, slamming the door in both anger and worry.

Whoever had the audacity to stalk his home was going to regret it very soon.

Using two powerful and condensed explosions from his palms, he shot forward into the bushes at lightning speed. The man he bumped into, grunted and hugged his torso as he laid on the floor in pain.

He was ready to explode the intruder, ready to scream bloody murder. But then he saw the silver scarf tangled all around the man, his purple waves for hair sprawled and his mask fallen from his jaw.

"The hell, Eyebags?" Kastuki grumbled, reluctantly giving a hand to help the hero on the ground. "What're ya doin' here, hiding in the shadows like a shithead criminal?"

Hitoshi Shinsou, Mind hero: Brainfreeze, and in Katsuki's nickname catalog was Brainwasher and Eyebags, only winced and smirked as he stared up at the number two hero.

"That's some thank you I get." He said, taking Katsuki's hand and standing on wobbly feet. "I only did what we all agreed to do when you were rescued. Watch over the woman the NVA seemed to have painted a target on."

Katsuki's scowl evaporated. "Thanks. Just give me a heads up beforehand."

Hitoshi's teeth widened as he gave a Cheshire grin, quickly using his scarf to wrap around Katsuki's torso, and tightening it so he couldn't move an inch.

"The egotistic Dynamight said thanks to me. The world must be ending."

He laughed when Katsuki fidgeted in the scarf, meeting red eyes that glowed with ire and irritation.

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