Chapter 39 - Eyes On Me

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Sorry for the slight delay bubs, this chapter was a bit longer than expected, and not my best writing so pardon any mistakes (•́•̀)

CW: extreme pining and hurt/comfort galore ( ̄▽ ̄)

Happy reading!


Hina couldn't think straight as she flipped the pancake with a spatula. She didn't trust herself to flip  it with her regular skill using the momentum from swiveling the pan. Why?

Because the suggestions Mina gave the day before were haunting Hina's mind.

Her friend's voice echoed in her skull, constantly telling her to go forward and at least try to seduce the alpha.

Not that she wanted to seduce him... she was quite content with how they were now.

But she'd be lying if she said she didn't feel restless when they'd abruptly stop in between their kisses, their little tugs of war with their empathy link too.

She was thankful though. Thankful that she didn't make a fool of herself last night. Thankful that she and him could go to bed without so much as making anything awkward. Despite the lingering embarrassment trickling between them.

At first, Hina thought her embarrassment would leak to him, and he'd tease her for it.

But then she realized they both were flustered. She had a high suspicion that, like Mina, Eijiro had said some things that made Katsuki hesitant.

His hesitance, surprisingly, wasn't as obvious. However, she could sense it when he kissed her forehead instead of her scent gland, how he scented with his wrist on hers instead of on her nape. She also noticed how his eyes would only catch hers for a brief moment before flitting away. As though he were cautious of her gaze.

Though, she had a feeling she was doing the same.

With a disgruntled huff, she plated the pancake, pouring more batter on the hot pan.

Just when she was happy with the pace they'd set, the dynamics they had. And now, these thoughts she didn't actively have were invading every second of her being. And it hasn't even been twenty four hours since the emergence of such things.

Katsuki's stomps down the stairs interrupted her train of thought, stopping her from further continuing in her wallowing self reflections.

"'Morning," he said, scratching his belly as he yawned again. "I wasn't expecting you to make breakfast today."

Hina could feel her ears flame red, her nerves dancing on her fingertips as she shakily flipped the pancake.

"I thought breakfast in bed would be a nice change," she mumbled, refusing to turn around.

Katsuki didn't hear her and walked behind her, leaning forward and whispering in her ear. "Say it any lower, and only the critters in the walls can hear ya."

She hummed, not trusting her voice entirely at the moment.

With a huff, he moved to the drawer of tea, fishing out a tea bag of mandarin tea.

She glanced at him from the corner of her eyes. "No need for that. I'm having coffee today."

He glanced at her from the corner of his eye, his eyes squinting when he saw hers peel open and dart away from the tether of his.

"What's got your panties in a twist?" He bit harshly, the empathy link conveying the confusion he failed to articulate.

Hina relaxed from the presence of his emotions, a snicker leaving her too when she realized just how emotionally constipated he really was.

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