Chapter 30 - An Impossible Destiny Deemed Possible

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Laughter filled the Todoroki vacation home.

Three women—Hina, Mina, and Ochako—were just chatting and enjoying a pleasant conversation of the little things in life, all while cooking lunch together. Their friend dynamic seemed so easy and so smooth. It was like the trio were friends for ages, the easy interaction between them flowing so perfectly it made Hina's heart clench in gratitude.

Back in her universe she never got along with others. Many girls were deterred of her relaxed expression that usually and unreliably exhibited anger. And the fact she had participated in some fights when men decided to be misogynistic douche bags only made people stay away from her in fear of repercussions of being associated with her. She didn't mind the isolation; she only needed her family to stay happy and fulfilled.

However, after being friends with people like Mina and Ochako, where in this universe, fighting for what's right is looked up upon, Hina's soul was filled with a warmth she had no idea she was lacking. The warmth of friendship.

Hina opened the oven, inhaling the scent of sweet chocolatey cookies and took out the tray to let them cool down.

Suddenly she felt a shiver down her spine, her nerves tingling and zapping as though warning her of something. Something she'd never felt before. All she could associate the sensation with was fear, and yet it wasn't.

Ochako clasped a hand on Hina which snapped her out of the temporary daze. "Hina-chan? Are you okay?"

Then Mina's sweet bubblegum scent contorted into an acrid, acidic smell.

Both Ochako and Hina looked to her side, both of their eyes widening in worry.

"Mina-chan!" Ochako exclaimed, running to her side as Mina leaned on the counter for support. "What happened?"

"Eiji." Mina whispered, her fist tightening as the shivers and the bursts of pain passed through nerves. "He's in danger."

Ochako's eyes widened as she breathed in disbelief. "The mission today."

Hina pulled out her phone, and clicked the "pufferfish" contact. It rang until it reached voicemail, Bakugo's deep voice angrily snapping through the speaker.

"You have reached my shitty voicemail box! I'm either kicking villain ass or Deku's ass off of his title from Number One! So don't leave a message!"

The beep after was deafening. Hina snapped her phone shut. The buzzing in her ears was relentless, the electricity now channeling up her arms and legs was consuming her with anxiety she has never felt before.

Was Bakugo okay? Why didn't he pick up his phone? Why was she feeling his emotions with such clarity? Was this buzzing sensation the danger sense?

"Hina..." She heard from a voice calling far far away. "...Can ya hear me?... Hina, I need ya to take deep breaths with me." Oh, it's Mina, she reached Hina's side? When? "Everything's okay. Everything's okay."

"Nothing's okay." Hina said suddenly, her voice small and her jitters dancing on her tongue. "I need to see him."

"See who?" Ochako asked, her hand was holding Hina's but Hina didn't know when that happened.

"Shirakumo-san." Hina provided quietly, her eyes still distant.

"Why?" Mina asked this time. She was rubbing Hina's back; it was somewhat soothing.

"He's not okay." Hina whispered, teary eyed and now his anger was bubbling through to her.

"Shirakumo-san?" Mina asked again, meeting Ochako's honey dolloped eyes with concern and confusion from Hina's train of thought.

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