Poor Security

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Chapter Thirty-Four: Poor Security

It had nearly been ten minutes since Harry and Luna had left when more people came flooding through the portrait hole. There were familiar faces of other D.A. members that had left Hogwarts, whether due to age or their family's wishes, as well as Order of the Pheonix members. They all came flooding in, wondering what was going on and how they could help.

"Embry," I heard someone call my name as I spoke with the twins and Lee about what they'd been up to over the last few months. At the voice though I spun around on my heels to find a familiar pair of brown eyes. I didn't waste a second in hurrying over and wrapping my arms around Remus in a tight hug, one that he was quick to return. Behind him I saw Bill, Fleur, Molly, and Arthur who all hurried over to us.

"You're okay!" Fleur seemed relieved to spot me without the familiar cuts and bruises that most of the other students wore. As she pulled me into a hug I couldn't help but be thankful for my ability to change appearance, I could only imagine her and Molly's reactions if they saw what the Carrows had done to me over the past few months. I wouldn't be surprised if the two women tried to take on the two siblings themselves.

"How'd you all know to come? Are you all okay? Where's Tonks?" The questions seemed to flood from me, one after another.

"Calm down," Bill chuckled.

"The twins were able to get a message to us before they came. We're all fine, we've just been worried for all of you. And Tonks is at her mother's house with Teddy, I told her not to come." Lupin answered all of my questions for me. I couldn't help but feel relieved to know that Tonks wasn't here but rather with their son, Teddy didn't need both of his parents in danger today.

"What's going on exactly, dear?" Molly asked me. "Is Harry really here? I saw Ronald and Hermione, but I haven't seen him yet."

"He's here," I assured all of them. "He and Luna are out in the castle looking for something, but they'll be back soon."

As if my words had caused it the door to open briefly, just long enough for Harry and Luna to both slip inside before it closed again. At their entrance everyone looked towards the two, waiting for them to say something. However, Harry seemed to be standing there in shock, surprised to see all the new familiar faces that had arrived while they were gone.

"Harry, what's happening?" Remus asked Harry as he walked over to him.

"Voldemort's on his way," many people winced at Harry's use of Voldemort's name. "They're barricading the school- Snape's run for it- What are you doing here? How did you know?"

"We sent messages to the rest of Dumbledore's Army." Fred explained, gesturing around to the past Hogwarts' students. "You couldn't expect everyone to miss the fun, Harry, and the D.A. let the Order know, and it all kind of snowballed."

"What first, Harry? What's going on?" George asked once his twin had finished.

"They're evacuating the younger kids and everyone's meeting in the Great Hall to get organized." Harry told all of us. "We're fighting."

"About bloody time!" I grinned and others cheered in agreement. I watched with the twins as the crowded room thinned as people hurried out into the castle, their wands drawn to duel when needed. Soon it was only Harry, the Weasley's, Lupin, and I left in the room.

"You're underage!" Molly argued with Ginny when she tried to go out and join the others. "I won't permit it! You've got to go home!"

"I won't!" Ginny refused to listen to her mother. "I'm in Dumbledore's Army-"

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