I Dreamed a Dream

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Above is my Tonks costume that I'm wearing to school today! I hope you all have an awesome Halloween! It's my favorite holiday!!!!

Chapter Fifteen: I Dreamed a Dream

***Embry's POV***

The next night we were all laying around the tent, not really sure what else to do. We'd spent the whole day trying to come up with ways to destroy the blasted locket but nothing worked. Now I was lying on my cot while Ron was one his, messing with the radio we had.

He continually switched the stations, different voices emitting through the static briefly before fading. Harry was outside with Hermione while she went around trying to find things for us to eat besides the mushrooms that the boys seemed to hate. The radio kept spitting out static, annoying my ears so I sat up and headed towards the exit of the tent where I saw Harry slipping a piece of glass into his pocket before he looked at the locket. He ran his fingers along the metal before I saw a small wince cross his features, causing him to drop the locket. All I could do was watch as he seemed to freeze, his face contorted in pain.

"Hermione?" I called over to her. She turned around to see Harry and worry filled her features for what seemed to be the hundredth time since the wedding months ago. Neither of us said anything else until Harry's eyes fluttered open and spotted Hermione and I watching him.

"I thought it had stopped." She spoke first, causing Harry to shake his head. "You can't let him in, Harry. Dumbledore himself said it. You have to close your mind. It's too dangerous -"

"It's not a candle I can blow out, Hermione. It always burns, even if it's just a flicker." He cut her off. "Can you understand that?"

"Tell us." I spoke up. "What you saw."

"He's found him. Vol-" He cut himself off as he glanced back at the tent, towards Ron. "You-Know-Who. He's found Gregorovitch -"

"The wandmaker?" Hermione frowned.

"Yes. How'd you know?" Harry asked.

"Viktor got his wand from Gregorovitch. Most Durmstrang students did at one time." She explained. "What's he got to do with You-Know-Who?"

"You-Know-Who wants something Gregorovitch once had - dunno what. But he's desperate to have it. It's as if his life depends on it." Harry shook his head as the radio squawked from inside. I could see the anger flare in his eyes as he opened his mouth to speak.

"Don't." I stopped him before he could say anything to Ron that he'd later regret. "It... comforts him."

"Well it sets my teeth on edge. What's he expecting to hear? Good news?" He glared at the tent.

"I think he just hopes he doesn't hear bad news. It gets him through the day." Hermione guessed.

"And what gets you through the day?" He looked between the two of us.

"We've all made sacrifices, Harry." Hermione stated softly, looking at the ground. Her words made Cedric's face flood my mind, followed by my father's and even Amos's.

"How long before he can travel?" Harry tried to change the subject.

"I don't know. It takes time. I'm doing all I can." Hermione pursed her lips.

"You're not doing enough." He scoffed, earning a sharp look from me as I took in his angry demeanor.

"Take it off." Hermione said suddenly. We both gave her strange looks before she pointed to the locket around his neck. "Take it off. Now."

He followed her instructions and as soon as the locket was off I could see some of his anger melt away. What the hell?

"Better?" She asked.

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