Cake and Wills

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Chapter Six: Cake and Wills

***Embry's POV***

"Embry, will you be a dear and go help the twins before they set something on fire?" Molly asked me later that night as she went about quickly to try and finish up Harry's cake that was in the shape of a large golden snitch.

"No problem." I agreed as I ducked outside to find the twins waving their wands around as they positioned purple paper lanterns with the number seventeen on them. I couldn't help the small frown that filled my lips when I saw the white bandage wrapped around George's head, covering where his ear once was.

"Em, I know we're hot but have the decency to not stare so obviously." Fred joked when he noticed me, making George notice me too.

"In your dreams." I scoffed as I started to help with the lanterns.

"Not mine my dear friend." Fred smirked, his eyes darting between George and I. George and I both sent him glares and, it was safe to say, if looks could kill he'd been ten foot under now.

"I thought you were helping Mum in the kitchen?" George tried to change the subject.

"Did you really think your mother would trust the two of you alone with fire?" I chuckled as we set up the last of them so they were all floating around the table that'd been set up in the yard to fit everyone.

"What reason does she have to not trust us?" Fred frowned, as though he were offended by his mother's lack of trust.

"Setting off fireworks at Hogwarts, constantly pranking your brother, all the times Hagrid had to chase the two of you out of the Forbidden Forest, testing your products on practically anyone, and shall I recall how you set your room on fire my second summer here?" I listed off a handful of times that popped into my mind.

"Actually, the last one wasn't an accident, we-" Fred started to say but was cut off by George elbowing him harshly in the side.

"What do you mean that it wasn't an accident?" I frowned. Before either of them could come up with an excuse though the others came flooding out of the house with dishes of food.

"Come on everybody, have a seat!" Molly ushered everyone around the table. The twins quickly followed her instructions to avoid answering my question. They were also careful to seat themselves between Bill and Hagrid so I couldn't sit next to one of them and pry an answer from them. Instead I found myself seated between Remus and Hermione with Ron across from me, though I wished he weren't.

Everybody talked amongst themselves as we started to dish out the food. I kept quiet though and only half paid attention to what others were saying around me. At least until I heard my name.

"Izn't zat right Embry?" Fleur asked me. I snapped back to the conversations around me and craned my neck so I could see her.

"I'm sorry, what was that?" I asked.

"We were talking about fifth year," Hermione caught me up.

"I was telling zem about ze letter you zent me." Fleur added.

"Right," I remembered. "The pink toad."

"With the pink office-" George began.

"And the pink cat plates." Fred finished for his twin.

"I'd suspect that she was a little black after your exit." Bill grinned at his younger brothers.

"She was." Harry chuckled as Hermione, Ron, and I did the same. I could still see Umbridge covered with soot after all the fireworks had gone off. It'd been a right sight.

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