I'm Back

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Chapter Twenty-Eight: I'm Back
***Embry's POV***

"Embry?" Remus whispered my name in disbelief, just as Fred had done when he saw me upstairs just a while ago.

"Hey Remus," I smiled as he looked at the others for an explanation. When none of them spoke up though his eyes returned to me, though they had an uneasy look in them. I saw his hand twitching back towards his pocket and I knew what he was thinking.

"What did you steal from me after our first private lesson together?" He questioned me.

"A picture that you'd been looking at and tried to hide from me. You later told me that it was of my father and I, back when I was only a baby." I remembered the picture clearly and how determined I'd been to avoid him afterwards, hating how he was hiding something from me. A smile filled Remus' tired face as he came over and pulled me into a hug. As he held me tightly to him I ignored the pain that came with the hug, relishing the feeling of having my godfather here with me again.

"What are you doing here?" He asked as he pulled back to look at me.

"Before we get into this again, maybe we should head back home. You know, before Mum sends anyone else in search of us!" Fred suggested.

"You're right," Remus agreed.

"Aunt Muriel's going to love this." George snorted quietly, causing Fred to do the same.

"Are you okay to go?" Fleur asked me, giving me a nervous look.

"I'll be fine." I assured her as I stood up, making sure not to show any hinting of the subtle pain coming from my leg.

"Let's get going then." Bill nodded. "Fred and George go ahead and head back. Just tell them that we're coming behind you, don't let them know about Embry yet."

"Our pleasure dear brother." Fred nodded as he and George headed outside. With a loud crack we knew they were gone.

"I'll apparate with Embry," Remus told Bill and Fleur.

"Let's get going then." Bill took Fleur's hand as Remus wrapped an arm around my shoulders. We all headed outside and after we'd gotten a certain distance away from the house I felt a strange feeling wash over me.

"Protection charms on the cottage." Bill must have seen my confusion. I only nodded as we stopped. Remus removed his arm from my shoulders and instead looped it through mine, keeping me close to his side. None of us said a word as I closed my eyes and that familiar tube like feeling consumed me as Remus and apparated together.

Once it was over I couldn't help but stumble slightly, but Remus was quick to steady me. I opened my eyes to find us standing in the middle of some woods with Bill and Fleur just a few feet away. I looked around but all I saw were trees.

"Where are we?" I furrowed my brows at the scenery.

"Just follow me." Remus gave me a small smile as we followed the other two through the trees. After a while of walking a small clearing came into sight, at least that's what I believed it to be. One moment there was only an empty clearing and the next I had another strange feeling wash over me and I saw a house in front of us. Standing in the doorway of the house were Fred and George, behind them were more familiar faces.

"Embry?" Molly looked at me in disbelief.

"People like saying me name, huh?" I tried to joke, earning a snort of laughter from each of the twins. No one else laughed though, instead Molly came hurrying across the yard and pulled me into her typical bone crushing hug.

"Careful Mum." Bill warned, though it was a little too late for warnings.

"We've been so worried about you!" Molly seemed as though she were about to cry at any moment as she pulled back and held my face between her hands.

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