Shaftesbury Avenue

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Chapter Nine: Shaftesbury Avenue

***Embry's POV***

When the pulling sensation ended I opened my eyes to find myself standing on a busy street as people went about their business and cars drove past on the street. I stumbled a little bit as I looked around, trying to figure out which way to go. I knew that Hermione and the boys had been here, I just didn't know where they had gone from here.

"They'd have to change to blend in." I thought aloud as some people gave me strange looks because of my dress and bleeding head. Looking to my left and right I saw a small alley not far to my left and headed in that direction. That'd be the best place close by for them to change out of their wedding clothes. When I reached the alley I ducked down it. It seemed like any other plain alley but then I caught sight of the small paper sticking out behind a trash can. I knelt down and picked up the paper to see Hermione's familiar handwriting. It read:

Few blocks left. Small diner.

I couldn't help but smile at how Hermione had known that I'd come after them. I tore the small paper up and threw it into the trash can before heading back out of the alley and heading right. My heels pinched my feet as I walked and the cool summer night air stung the cut on my head but I ignored the pain. I needed to make sure that they were alright.

It was nearly fifteen minutes later before I turned onto a street and saw a small diner a little ways down, plenty of noise coming from it. Chills ran through me as I hurried down the street, happy that no one else was walking this street at the moment. It would be messy if there were Muggles witnessing whatever was going on inside the diner. When I reached the door I pulled it open and ducked inside, a spell barely missing my head.

"Oh shit," I swore as I slipped behind an overthrown table. Peering around the table I saw a familiar head of red hair along with a black and brown one. In the diner though I also saw two grown men who were throwing spells at them.

"Stupefy!" I threw the spell towards the men, causing all of them to notice me for the first time.

"Embry!" Hermione called my name from where she was hiding behind a table. I saw one of the men aiming a spell her way and immediately reacted.

"Protego!" I casted the spell, blocking the one that had been fired at her. It seemed endless as we threw spells at one another and tried to protect ourselves. Finally Harry and Hermione were able to hit both men with powerful spells that caused them to fall to the ground unconscious. It was then that a Muggle woman, a waitress, came out of the back with cups of coffee. At seeing what had happened she dropped the cups from shock and looked at us with pure confusion, shock, and terror.

"Go!" Hermione told her and she didn't bother arguing before hurriedly disappearing into the back room, probably taking a backdoor to get out of here.

"Lock the door, get the lights." Harry instructed as he made his way over to the men. I watched as Ron pulled out the Deluminator and clicked it, turning off all the lights while Hermione locked the door and drew the blinds.

"How did you know we were here?" Ron questioned me.

"I told her Ronald," Hermione told him. "The real question is, how did they find us?"

"That would be my fault." I admitted, making them all look at me in surprise. "After you left the Death Eaters came to question us. Bellatrix and Fernier were going to question Ginny but stepped in so they decided to start with me. She used the Cruciatus Curse on me while he used Legilimens and saw Hermione telling me where you were going. After they left I came to find you as quickly as possible to try and warn you."

"This one's name is Rowle. He was on the Astronomy Tower the night Snape killed Dumbledore." Harry changed the subject as he looked over one of the attackers.

"This is Dolohov. I recognize him from the wanted posters." Ron went over to the other one. I watched as he rolled him over with his foot and I saw his eyes shift. The went from Harry to Hermione to me and then back to Ron. "So what do we do with you, huh? Kill us if it was turned round, wouldn't you?"

"Suppose it's him that did Mad-Eye. How would you feel then?" Ron defended himself when he saw the uneasy looks Hermione and I were giving him. At the memory of Mad-Eye's death I felt a pang of pain for our late professor.

"It's better we wipe their memories. We kill them, they'll know we were here." Harry spoke up, giving his friend a cautious look.

"You're the boss." Ron muttered before looking over at Hermione. "Hermione?" She looked back up at him and he gently reached out and wiped away a trickle of blood that was on her cheek. "You're the best with spells."

"I'll do Rowle." I offered when I saw the nervous look she had in her eyes. She nodded and raised her wand at Dolohov while I went over to Rowle.

"Obliviate." We casted the spell together, wiping both of the men's memories of ever seeing us tonight. With that we quickly slipped out the door, flipping the store sign to say closed.

"We need to get off the streets, get somewhere safe." Ron stated the obvious as we walked down the street, occasionally glancing behind us to make sure we weren't being followed.

"I have an idea." Harry told us.

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