Not All Old People are Nice

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Chapter Twenty: Not All Old People are Nice
***Embry's POV***

Golden streetlights glimmered along a narrow road that lead through the town. It had been a few days since our discussion by the fire and we had finally decided to come to Godric's Hollow. Looking around at the small town I saw festive Christmas decorations hanging in the windows of homes. Snow blanketed the roofs and the ground, the only disturbance in it being our three sets of footsteps that showed our path behind us.

"I still think we should've used Polyjuice Potion." Hermione commented as she pulled her scarf to her mouth while I pulled my jacket closer to my skin in feeble attempt to block out the cold.

"No. This is where I was born. I'm not returning as someone else." Harry shook his head as we kept heading down the street, his head held high. I understood his thinking, I wouldn't want to hide who I was if I were to return to Hogwarts, it was where I truly became who I am today. Where I met so many of my friends and family...where I met Cedric.

A little farther down the road the quiet night was interrupted by the opening of a pub door. With the door's opening laughter and music spilled into the night. Though it was only for a brief moment it was enough to disrupt the tranquil scene we had been in only moments prior.

"I think it's Christmas Eve! Listen..." Hermione's voice seemed wistful. We all listened and sure enough we could hear the sounds of voices being carried from a church further up the road. I hadn't even realized how much time had passed since the wedding. How long we had gone without our friends knowing if we were well or not.

"Do you think they'd be in there?" Harry asked. Following his gaze I saw that it was trained on a graveyard up ahead, just past the church. "My mum and dad?"

"Yeah. I think they would." Hermione nodded. Without another word we all kept heading in that direction until we reached the old metal gate of the graveyard. Harry hesitated for a second before going in, scanning the graves in search for the names of his parents.

Hermione and I both stopped at the gate as well, but for different reasons. I could tell that Hermione was watching, studying him as he scanned the various tombstones. As for myself, I stopped because of what the place was. A graveyard. I had only been in a graveyard before for two reasons: the night of Cedric's death and to visit Cedric's grave. I pushed the thought away though and followed after Harry with Hermione.

We scanned the different graves as well, seeing unfamiliar names of strangers whom had met their end over the years. After a little while though I paused in front of a larger tombstone that was freckled with lichen. Seeing that I had stopped Hermione came back to my side and saw what I was looking at.

"Harry." I called his name softly, as though not to disturb the dead.

"Is it - ?" He asked.

"No. But look." Hermione shook her head. Harry joined our sides and looked at the grave before us.


"Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also."

"His sister," I hesitantly reached up and touched the locket around my neck. Harry's eyes seemed to widen slightly at the grave before he hurried away from it, like poison. Hermione and I followed his lead as we continued to walk amid the stones, studying the names. Hermione stopped at an older looking grave and crouched down in front of it. She tried to make out the name but couldn't in the darkness, so she pulled out her wand.

"Lumos." The light came from the tip of her wand and played across the surface of the stone. With the light's assistance I could make out the symbol that had been deeply worn into the stone over time. A triangle with a circle and line in it, just like the one in the book.
The grave's name read:

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