A Home of Memories

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Chapter Ten: A Home of Memories

***Embry's POV***

It wasn't long after we'd left the diner that we found ourselves standing in front of a familiar door, open that I had run away from a little over a year ago. One that I never thought I'd come back to.

I watched as Harry tapped the tip of his wand on the old door. The small movement was followed by the sound of a series of metallic clicks. Harry raised his hand to open the door but before he could touch it the door swung open, revealing the dark hallway that we had all walked many times before. The gas lamps on the walls lit without warning, lighting the narrow hall as we stepped inside.

"Severus Snape?" An all too familiar raspy voice filled the air.

"Mad-Eye?" I called out in disbelief. At my voice we were only greeted with a burst of cold air sweeping through the hallway. The air brought with it a dust figure of Dumbledore that rushed towards us, not sign of stopping. When it was only a foot or so away from us it burst, spraying us with the dust it had been made of.

"What was that about?" Ron asked as we all ventured further inside and closed the door behind us.

"Mad-Eye's doing, I'd guess." Hermione was the one to speak up. "In case Snape decided to come snooping."

"He'd have to be bloody-" I began but cut myself off at the sound of creaking floorboards. All of us tensed as Hermione drew her wand and aimed it down the hall.

"Homenum revelio." Hermione whispered the spell. When nothing happened she lowered her wand and glanced at the rest of us. "It's a spell to reveal human presence. We're alone."

"We best get some rest," I suggested to the others as I headed through the doorway to my right that led into the sitting room. I seated myself on the couch, dust rising as I did so, showing just how long it'd been since anyone was here.

"You need to have your head fixed first." Hermione came and sat down next to me, opening the small purse she had. Harry and Ron followed us into the room and seated themselves in some of the chairs opposite the couch we were on. She reached into her bag and I watched as she pulled out some bandages and I furrowed my brows.

"I'm not the best with healing spells," she explained before reaching into the bag again and pulling out a familiar set of jeans and a turtleneck from the bags Charlie had brought me when he came back for the wedding. I smiled as I took the clothes and used the same spell I had before my date with Cedric to switch clothes then and there, the dress appearing in my hands. After that was taken care of I allowed her to clean my head and put a small bandage on it, insisting that I not try to heal myself even though I'd done it plenty of times before. When she was done with that I found myself curling up on the couch and slowly drifting off to sleep.


"Avada Kedavra!" I snapped awake, sweat covering me from my nightmare, at least I wished it were only a nightmare. I looked around the dark sitting room to see Harry asleep in a chair, Ron on the floor by the couch, and Hermione curled up on the other end of the couch. I just sat there, trying to make my breathing even, when I heard a sharp breath from where Harry was sleeping and saw his eyes snap open. I saw his eyes scan the room until he noticed that I was awake too.

"How long have you been awake?" He asked quietly, as to not awake the others.

"A few minutes," I shrugged.

"Why aren't you still sleeping?" He yawned.

"Same reason as you I'd suspect," I ran a hand through my hair, combing out the knots that had formed in my sleep. "I haven't had a night of sleep that wasn't plagued by nightmares in two years. Every time I close my eyes I see him."

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