You Weren't Invited Bitch

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Chapter Eight: You Weren't Invited Bitch

***Embry's POV***

I could only smile as I sat at one of the tables set up inside the large tent and watched as Bill and Fleur danced around while others clapped for them. They looked so happy and in love, it was beautiful.

"Hello Embry." A dreamy voice greeted me and I turned to see Luna Lovegood standing there. Her long blonde hair was in wavy curls and she wore a bright yellow dress, she had a distant look in her eyes like usual and a small smile on her lips.

"Hello Luna, how are you?" I asked her.

"Quite well, though I think the Nargles are going to be active this fall." She told me. "You look disappointed, are you alright?"

"I'm fine." I assured her. "I'm happy for Fleur and Bill, they really love each other."

"I hate to break up a conversation, but I was hoping that the lady would honor me with a dance." Fred appeared beside up and held his hand out to me.

"I wonder if there's pudding," Luna said before heading off towards the food tables as I took Fred's hand and he led me out to the dance floor where other couples had joined Bill and Fleur as a new song began. I rested one hand on Fred's shoulder while he held my other in one hand and had his other on my waist.

"You know, I thought it was against the rules to look better than the bride at weddings." Fred whispered in my ear as we danced.

"Please," I scoffed. "Fleur looks stunning, all the eyes are on her, as they should be."

"I wouldn't be too sure. I've noticed quite a few eyes straying your way." He glanced around us and I did the same. Sure enough I saw a few young men looking our way, some had their eyes settled on my arse.

"How nice," I muttered sarcastically. "Every girl's dream is to have strangers staring at her arse."

"Well then you're quite a lucky girl." He smirked at my discomfort before his face turned serious. "You seem out of it today. Mum saw and asked me if you were feeling alright."

"I've just been thinking about something that Fleur told me before the wedding." I told him honestly. He raised his eyebrows, clearly telling me to go on without saying the words aloud. "She was telling me how she had always thought that she'd be attending Cedric and I's wedding before I were to attend hers. She said that people at Hogwarts used to call us Cembry."

"I remember when Ginny started that." He gave a soft chuckle. "It was just before Christmas your first year there, George hated it. He kept telling her to bloody shut up and threatened to turn her hair Slytherin green."

That'd be quite a sight." I tried to imagine my ginger friend with green hair and couldn't help but chuckle at the image.

"She kept saying it though and others started to use it to when referring to 'the cutest couple at Hogwarts'." He continued. "It was clear to everyone how much he loved you and how much you loved him."

"Love." I corrected him. "I love him. Present tense."

"Present tense." He nodded in agreement as a silvery blue light came into the tent. At the sight of it everyone became quiet and stepped back as it stopped in the middle of the dance floor. When I looked at it closer I saw that it was a Patronus, a lynx one.

"The Ministry has fallen. The Minister of Magic is dead." The lynx spoke in Shacklebolt's deep and smooth voice and filled the silent tent. "They are coming..."

With the last word it vanished and everyone seemed frozen for a moment before someone screamed and all hell broke loose. As everyone started to run around the tent to try and get out I felt Fred's hand wrap around my wrist as he kept me close. People started to disapperate left and right as Fred led me towards George and Arthur who stood with their wands out. We had just reached their side when more cracks filled the air and I saw the familiar costumes of the Death Eaters fill the quickly emptying tent. I scanned everyone's faces and felt someone grab my shoulder and pull me away from Fred. I quickly turned, ready to fight, but saw that it was Remus. He pulled me back behind him to where Tonks was too.

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