Not Goodbye, Just See You Later

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Chapter Thirty-One: Not Goodbye, Just See You Later

"Are you sure about this?" I was asked for the hundredth time the morning after the...discussion at breakfast. I glanced over my shoulder to see Remus standing in the doorway with the same tired expression that he always seemed to wear nowadays. His brown eyes seemed to be darker while his already thin hair seemed to even thinner than it had once been. He was the true embodiment of stress, showing all the struggle and worry that he'd gone through over the past several months.

"I'm positive." I nodded. "I'm not doing this for me Remus, I'm doing it for Ginny and all my friends still at Hogwarts. They need help."

"I know Embry, I just don't want to see you get hurt." He sighed as he ventured into the room I'd been staying in. I just watched him as he walked over and pulled me into a hug, resting his head on top of mine. I couldn't help the small smile that filled my lips as I rested my head on his chest and relished the familiar warmth that Remus' hugs always supplied.

"I don't want to see any of you hurt either," my voice was soft as I spoke, almost a whisper. "I love all of you so much, I can't lose anyone else, Remus. By going to Hogwarts I can get information for the Order, without any of you risking yourselves. Plus I'll be able to watch over Ginny."

"I know, but the Prophet has your picture in it daily-" He began to point out, but I cut him off.

"I won't look like myself. Instead I'll be having light brown curls, tanned skin, and brown eyes. No one will recognize me." I tried to assure him. "There's nothing to worry about."

"You're a lot like your father. He always thought of others, sticking his neck out when he didn't need to be." His chest shook lightly with a chuckle. "It always got him in quite a bit of trouble, Irina was like that too."

"I'm sorry Remus," I closed my eyes, refusing to let any tears fall. He must have sensed my change in emotion as he pulled back and looked down at my face.

"For what?" He frowned.

"You've lost so much, all of your friends. It isn't fair, you're such a good person." I shook my head.

"None of that was your fault Embry." He gave me a gentle smile, similar to the ones he gave me during our lessons back when I first came to Hogwarts. "And, though I've lost so much, I've gained far much more. I don't regret the life I've lived. I was lucky enough to have Irina, James, Lily, and Sirius for as long as I did, I just wish you'd had as much time. And, besides, I have you, Harry, Nymphadora, and Teddy. All of you are much more than I could have ever asked for in life."

"I love you Remus." I squeezed my arms around his torso again in a hug, one that I never wanted to end.

"I love you too Embry." He kissed the top of my head before patting my back lightly. "You should finish getting ready and say your goodbyes. We'll be leaving for the station before long."

"Alright," I gave a small nod as we broke apart. He gave me one last smile before leaving the room to give me time to finish packing. I had already finished doing that last night though, so instead I found myself following him out of the room. While he went right though I went left, heading towards one of the other bedrooms. At the end of the hall I stopped in front of a closed door and couldn't help but notice the differences from this room to the one I'd stood outside of just three years ago. Back then the room had been filled with the constant sound of explosions and the smell of gunpowder. Never did I think I would miss such things.

With a shaky hand I knocked lightly on the door. From inside I could hear footsteps coming towards the door and the sound of the knob twisting open. Only then was I greeted by the tired and unsmiling face of Fred. It was strange to see him not smiling, the same young man that had always been filled with laughter and pranks.

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