A Stranger at Private Drive

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Chapter One: A Stranger at Private Drive

***Embry's POV***

A crack filled the quiet street of Private Drive as I apperated on the corner of Harry's street. I'd never been here before. I looked around the homes that were closely placed together, it looked so ordinary here compared to the Burrow. Nothing looked real homey or exciting. At the house closest to me I spotted a paper resting on the front step, it looked as though no one had been in the house for awhile. There was mail stuffed in the mail slot in the door and a few papers littering the front step. I shifted through the different papers and picked up the most recent one and checked the date.

July twenty-seventh.

Perfect, that was the date Charlie had given me to come here as a "surprise volunteer" to help the others move Harry to safety. I took a deep breath as I looked around the poorly lit street and focused on my appearance. I could feel the familiar tingle of my hair and skin as I changed to someone that the others wouldn't recognize, more importantly someone that any watching Death Eaters wouldn't recognize. My black hair changed to a dirty blonde color that I'd never used before and my eyes were now a soft hazel color. I also cleared my skin of my scars, they would be any easy thing for people to recognize if they saw them. Nothing too plain and nothing too exciting.

I looked another deep breath before making my way down the street, towards Number Four Private Drive. I could see people further down the street, one being a familiar head of bubblegum pink hair.

"Stupefy!" I recognized Bill's voice as a shot of red light came my way.

"Protego!" I blocked his spell easily as I came closer to them. In the poor street lighting I could make out Mad-Eye, Remus, Tonks, Bill, Fleur, Ron, Hermione, Arthur, the twins, Kingsley, and a couple others that I didn't know. All of their wands were drawn and aimed at me.

"Who are you?!" Kingsley asked me.

"I'm not here to cause trouble." I held up my hands in surrender.

"Toss over your wand!" Tonks instructed me.

"Can't do that." I glanced at all of their wands nervously. I wasn't comfortable in the slightest with all their wands aimed at me, ready to hex me if I made the slightest move that they didn't like.

"Why not?" Bill stepped in front of Fleur, to protect her. I had to keep myself from chuckling at that. I'd seen her in the Triwizard Tournament, she didn't need any protection, she was more than capable of defending herself.

"Don't got one." I shrugged as I closed my eyes for a moment. When I opened them again I knew they were the same bright blue ones that I'd been born with. I looked over at Remus, knowing that if anyone would recognize my eyes that it'd be him. I saw his eyes widen a fraction as he opened his mouth to say something, but I beat him to it. "Can we get inside before you start some reunion?"

"Let's get inside," Remus nodded. The others gave him crazy looks as he led me to what I assumed was Harry's house. Before he could open the door though Harry did and looked at all of us in clear shock.

"What are you all doing here?" Harry asked as Mad-Eye limped through the door and we all followed in after him. The others were all still giving me weary looks as we all piled into the living room.

"We'll get to that in a minute Potter. First, who are you?" Mad-Eye narrowed his eye at me. Everyone's attention came back to me and Harry seemed to notice me for the first time as he stood between Ron and Hermione.

"You've never been one for warm welcomes, have you Mad-Eye?" I chuckled as I met his gaze. "Lucy Summers. Charlie sent me, said that you guys could use some extra hands on board. I figured you all knew that he'd be sending someone?"

"He didn't." Mad-Eye grunted as he eyed me suspiciously, his glass eye darting up and down me. Probably checking for any sign of a Dark Mark. My skin was clean though, well it was for now.

"We can sort it out with Charlie later, for now let's get ready." Remus stepped in, giving me a sideways glance. I didn't meet his eyes though, instead my eyes were trained on the simple hand around his ring finger on his left hand. Seems like Charlie didn't keep me informed on everything.

"Potter, you're underage, which means you still have the Trace on you." Mad-Eye stated the obvious.

"What's the Trace?" Harry asked.

"If you sneeze, the Ministry will know who wipes your nose. Point is, we'll have to use those means of transport the Trace can't detect: Brooms, Thestrals, and the like. We'll go in pairs. That way, if there's anyone out there waiting for us - and I reckon there will be - they won't know which Harry Potter is the real one." Mad-Eye told everyone as he pulled his flask out of his pocket.

"The real one?" Harry furrowed his brows in confusion as he looked around at everyone.

"I believe you're familiar with this particular brew?" Mad-Eye had what I believe was supposed to be a smirk as he opened the flask. I could literally see everything start to click in Harry's head as realized what was going on and his eyes widened.

A/N: Short, I know. Sorry, but I thought that would be a good place to end this chapter :)

Warning, eating ice cream for breakfast will give you a sugar high and may lead to your younger brother looking at you as though you are insane.

I highly recommend it XD

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