I'm Holey...Wait, Embry?

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Chapter Three: I'm Holey...Wait, Embry?

***Embry's POV***

The familiar sensation of the portkey enveloped me for a moment before it stopped and I found myself standing with Arthur and Fred in front of the Burrow. Fred and I had already returned to our normal looks, well disguise for me. The Burrow had windows spilling light out onto the lawn and through the windows I could see figures.

Fred and Arthur wasted no time in hurrying inside to check to make sure the rest of their family had returned safely. As they went inside though I saw Remus' familiar figure make his way outside, wand in hand. What caught my eye though was the crimson liquid that covered his left shoulder and was streaked across his face as well.

"Are you alright?" I started to make my way towards his side but stopped when he raised his wand at me. I felt my body run cold, despite the warm summer evening.

"During your first Defense Against the Dark Arts lesson what form did your bogart take?" He questioned me in a hard voice.

"Lucius Malfoy's wand and hand." I withheld my shudder at the memory of that class and how I'd past out from fear of it. As soon as the words left my lips he lowered his wand and quickly pulled me into a tight hug. I didn't fight it as I hugged him back just as tightly.

"We've missed you," he still didn't release me. "We've been worried about you, not knowing if you were okay or not."

"I've missed you too, now would you mind enlightening me as to why you're covered in blood?" My words were slightly muffled in his shirt, but he heard them well enough and quickly released me as though they'd burned him. Looking up at his face I saw that he had worried look shining clear in his eyes, one that I hadn't seen since the summer after Cedric had died and I'd stopped talking. "Remus? What happened?"

"Death Eaters were everywhere, Snape was with them and was able to hit George-" I didn't let him finish his sentence before I hurried inside the Burrow. Running through the kitchen I found everyone else was gathered in the living room. Fleur, Bill, and Mad-Eye were the only ones still missing. I didn't have to look hard around the room to find one of my best friends laid out on the couch with blood all over him. Fred was knelt down on the floor next to him, worry coating his features.

"How you feeling, Georgie?" Fred asked him.

"...Saint-like." George's lips seemed to pull up in the smallest smile that I'd ever seen him give, it could almost be mistaken as a grimace of pain.

"Come again?" Fred frowned at his brother while we all just stood back and listened to them.

"Saint-like." George repeated himself as he pointed to his ear, or at least where his ear should have been. Instead there was a bloody hole in the side of his head. "I'm holey. Get it Fred? I'm holey."

"Holey? All the ear jokes in the world and you go with holey? Pathetic." Fred chuckled as his brother's weak joke and I couldn't help but crack a smile of my own. This is how I'd always know that the twins were okay.

As long as they were cracking jokes I knew it'd be alright.

The tone of the room seemed to worsen even more though as a sad looking Bill and Fleur joined the room. Bill was holding her close to his side, as though she could vanish at any moment. At their entrance everyone directed their attention towards the couple.

"Mad-Eye's dead." Bill told everyone, I felt my stomach drop. With his words all the warmth seemed to leave the room as Molly started to pass around glasses of Firewhiskey. I took one in my own hands and just looked down at the liquid in my glass, having no desire to drink it.

"To Mad-Eye!" Everyone murmured to one another before downing their drink. I just set mine aside on the mantel of the fireplace though, the last thing I needed right now was a drink. What I needed was my father.

"Miss Summers, may I speak with you for a moment?" Kingsley's deep voice caught my attention. I glanced across the room to where Remus and Tonks were standing, at Kingsley's words Remus' eyes darted to me. I could feel his gaze follow me and I followed Kingsley outside.

"Alastor alerted me to something before we left Private Drive." Kingsley informed me as we stopped a few yards away from the house and faced one another. I could see his wand sticking out if his robes' pocket. "What did Alastor Moody say to you at the first Order meeting that you attended?"

"If you're not going to bloody talk then you're not going to help that Diggory boy." I quoted Mad-Eye's harsh words from my first meeting. A small smile filled Kingsley's lips as I allowed my appearance to return to normal, scars and all.

"It's nice to have you back Miss Black." Kingsley nodded at me.

"Thanks," I tucked a piece of my long black hair behind my ear. That's when I heard the crunch of the dry grass behind me and I turned around to find myself facing a Remus and a familiar pink haired woman whose hair was now a light brown color. At spotting me the woman froze and stared at me with wide eyes.


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