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So I was looking back through old comments earlier and I saw this in the comments and decided that I wanted to work it in some. :)

Chapter Seven: Cembry

***Embry's POV***

"Embry! Hurry up! Fleur wants you!" Ginny pounded on the bathroom door as I finished getting ready for the wedding.

"Coming," I assured her, therefore silencing the constant knocking. I looked back at myself in the mirror one more time and gave a small smile at what I saw.

Fleur had found a nice dark blue dress to wear for the wedding on short notice. It went down to just above my knees and had elbow length lace sleeves that had a flowery design to them. It went well with my dark hair and seemed to make my eyes stand out more than usual, which I assumed was the reason Fleur had picked this one for me. With the dress I also had my hair loosely curled and the just the smallest hints of makeup. The only other enhancement that I'd done to my appearance was making my scars, except for the ones on my face, disappear so my skin was clean.

I opened the bathroom door and headed down the hall to Bill and Charlie's old room where Fleur was getting ready for the wedding while the guys all set up the tent outside. When I opened the bedroom door I found Fleur standing in front of a mirror with her mother and sister beside her, helping with last touch ups to her hair. She smiled at me through the mirror and I could see the excitement and nervousness she was trying to hide in her eyes, trying to appear calm and ready.

"You look stunning Fleur." I smiled as I took in her white dress with a black design on it as well. She looked perfect and it wasn't the Veela in her causing her to look so.

"So do you!" She smiled as she looked over me in my dress. "I knew you vould look good it zat dress!"

"It's your day Fleur." I shook my head. "All the eyes are going to be one you, just like they should be."

"'Ere are your flowers dear," Fleur's mother handed me small bouquet of flowers, an arrangement of purple and white ones. She then handed Fleur her own which was twice the size of my own since she was the bride. I still couldn't believe that Fleur had insisted on me being her maid of honor.

"Ready?" Fleur's father asked as he smiled at his daughter.

"I'll go and make sure that the boys are all ready." I saw the nervousness seeming to pulsate in Fleur's eyes. She gave me a thankful nod before I slipped back out of the room and headed down the stairs. In the kitchen it was practically empty except for a couple red headed men. At the sound of my descent they all looked over at me and smiled.

"How's everything going up there?" Bill asked me, the nerves clear in his voice.

"She looks beautiful, you did good Bill." I congratulated him. "If you hurt my friend though I'll hex your arse from here to France and back."

"Noted." He nodded.

"You look great Embry," Charlie compliment me. I looked over at him to see him smiling in the tux he was wearing and I couldn't help but chuckle at the sight.

"Thank Charlie, you look like your being strangled." I snorted at how uncomfortable he seemed in his tux. It was an entertaining sight. At my words he pulled at the collar of his shirt.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure Fred and George made the collar tighter than it's supposed to be." He agreed with my observation. I wasn't surprised, ever since he'd arrived at the Burrow last night the twins had been pranking him at every opportunity they got. So far it hadn't been anything too bad which only seemed to make Charlie more nervous, knowing that they had something big planned for him. I felt guilty.

"You'll be out of it soon enough." I reassured him. "Now the two of you need to get outside so Fleur can come down and us girls can join in this lovely celebration!"

"We're going, we're going!" Bill rolled his eyes as he and Charlie made their way outside. Once they were inside the tent that'd been set up outside for the ceremony I walked back over to the staircase.

"You're safe!" I yelled up the stairs so the others would hear me. At my all clear I heard that sound of footsteps hurrying down the stairs and it wasn't long before the others appeared. Ginny was first with her long red hair styled down neatly with Gabrielle behind her with her long blonde hair wavy. They were the bridesmaids. I didn't understand why Fleur hadn't made Gabrielle her maid of honor since they were sisters, but neither seemed to have a problem with it.

After them came Fleur's parents who didn't waste any time in hurrying outside to take their seats. And then came Fleur with an anxious smile on her lips. She glanced around the kitchen when she reached the bottom step, as if expecting one of the boys to apperate into the room without warning.

"They're all outside waiting for us." I promised her. "They should be ready in a couple minutes."

"We'll go double check." Ginny volunteered as she and Gabrielle hurried outside to do just that.

"I can't believe I'm about to get married." Fleur said is disbelief. She looked over at me with a small smile on her lips. She reached out and took my left hand in hers, her finger running along the ring on my fourth finger. "I vould 'ave zought it'd be you."

"Don't think about that Fleur, it's your day." I shook my head as I tried not to let tears spring to my eyes.

"It should be your's zough," she shook her head. "I remember at 'Ogwarts I'd 'ear people talking about you and 'im. Zey all called ze two of you 'Cembry.' So sweet, everyone zought you two vould last forever."

"We will." I pulled my hand from hers and twisted my ring around my finger some as I smiled. "Love isn't something that death ends Fleur. It's like with you and Bill; when you're both dead a long time from now your love won't be dead, it'll always be there. It will never end or be erased."

"They're all ready." Ginny popped her head in through the open doorway, a smile on her face.

"Let's get started then." I grinned at Fleur as I brushed a stray strand of hair from her face and headed outside after Ginny.

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