We Don't Know

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Chapter Sixteen: We Don't Know
***Embry's POV***

For three days we had been traveling constantly, only stopping long enough to take a quick nap before moving on again. My dream of Cedric was still at the forefront of my mind, though I hadn't told any of the others about it. I didn't need them thinking that I had lost any sense that I had left in me. I could still clearly remember Hermione's reaction when I'd shared my first dream with her, I didn't want a repeat of that. Another thing I hadn't shared with them was the one thing Cedric had told me to share: my leg pain.

Over the past few days of walked the pain had certainly started to worsen some but I did my best to ignore it. At night I would not my lip as silent tears filled my eyes from it. I knew that the others had seen those tears but they all pretended as though they hadn't. Most likely thinking that they were tears for Cedric and Sirius, that I was still getting nightmares, or maybe for Remus and the others that we'd left behind. They didn't want to bring either topic when they were all feeling the pains of leaving everyone behind too.

Now we were walking. Harry and Hermione were a few yards ahead of Ron and I since I couldn't walk as quickly with my leg throbbing and Ron had decided to stick with me. Maybe it was his way of trying to makeup for what he'd said to me on Harry's birthday? As we walked though I couldn't help but notice that glares he was sending to Harry and Hermione's backs. I just blamed it all on the locket. I had gotten a couple turns with it over the past few days and it defiantly wasn't a pleasant feeling to have.

"I'm hungry." Ron spoke up after awhile longer. Harry and Hermione stopped walking and turned towards us, studying him like I had been for the past few hours.

"What?" Harry asked.

"I'm hungry." Ron repeated himself, irritation clear in his tone. Hermione glanced at Harry who just kept his eyes on Ron.

"We're all hungry." Harry pointed out. The two boys just stared at each other before Ron broke the eye contact and looked off at nothing in particular. Hermione backtracked to Ron and I, examining his bandaged arm.

"Leave it." He told her. She looked up at him but her eyes went to same place as mine, the Horcrux dangling from his neck. She reached into her bag, searching for something.

"Mum can make food appear out of thin air." Ron commented.

"No one can conjure food out of thin air. Food is the first of the five Principal Exceptions to Gamp's Law. The other four are -" Hermione began to explain.

"Oh, speak English, can't you?" He snapped at her before jerking his injured arm away. She looked up again and I could see the hurt in her eyes from the way he was acting. "I said leave it."

"It'll be dark soon." Harry pointed out as Hermione returned the bandage she'd pulled out to her bag. "We need to find a place to sleep."

"Good plan." Hermione agreed.

"Yeah. Brilliant. Only, correct me if I'm wrong... wasn't that yesterday's plan? And the day before that? And the day before
that? Walk. Sleep. Walk. Sleep." Ron asked bitterly. We all just stared at him until Harry walked toward him, Hermione and I silently watching the two boys.

"My turn." He reached out for the locket but Ron blocked him. For a moment they just stared at each other silently. Finally Ron took off the locket and handed it to Harry before brushing past him. Hopefully his attitude would improve before long. Harry just looked at Hermione and I as he put the locket on around his neck. After a moment he followed after Ron.

"He's starting to worry me." I whispered to Hermione as we followed after Harry and Ron.


That night there was a light rain falling, splattering on the tent's canvas. Creating the noise that used to sooth me when I was little and living with the Malfoy's. I was seated in the mouth of the tent and watched as Harry walked the perimeter of our makeshift camp. Ron was sitting on a bench a few feet behind me as Hermione tended to him arm, he was watching Harry as well.

"He doesn't know what he's doing, does he?" Ron asked. I frowned as I watched my god brother walking in the rain and then glanced behind me at my other friends. Hermione had a frown on her lips, identical to my own, and a bit of doubt in her eyes. I turned back towards Harry again to see that he'd paused by some trees.

"None of us do." I whispered, loud enough for them to hear me.

A/N: Sort of a filler chapter, sorry!

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