She's Back, He's Dead

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Chapter Four: She's Back, He's Dead

***Embry's POV***

"Embry?" Tonks said my name in disbelief as she just stood there and looked at me as if she were seeing a ghost.

"Wotcher Tonks." I smiled at her. She seemed to snap out of whatever trance she was in and launched herself at her, enveloping me in a bone crushing hug. I instantly hugged her back, I'd missed my colorful and clumsy cousin. Over her shoulder I could see Remus smiling at the two of us, clearly happy to see his wife and goddaughter reunited.

Wait, wife-

Remembering what I'd seen earlier I pulled out of her tight hug and grabbed her left hand and pulled it up for my inspection. On her third finger, sure enough, was a gold band.

"You two got married!" I grinned widely at the two as Remus came over and wrapped an arm around her waist. At the same time I also saw Kingsley slip inside, knowing that our conversation was clearly over.

"Just a few weeks ago." Tonks nodded as she smiled up at Remus. "I wish you had been there for it. It was just us and my parents, bloody awful. My Mum kept crying about how her baby was all grown up and married now. I swear, she didn't give as much a fuss when I graduated from Hogwarts or became a Auror!"

"Getting married is slightly more important than either of those," I pointed out.

"I don't see ho-" She started to argue but cut herself off and narrowed her eyes at me. "Not so fast Embry Irina Black! Don't go changing the subject! Where the bloody hell have you been! We've been worried sick-"

"What's all the noise about?" I recognized Molly's voice as she came out into the yard. I was blocked from view by Tonks and Remus but through a crack between them I could see that Ginny had ventured outside with her too. "What are you two doing out here in the dark? Come on inside."

"Just give us a moment Molly, we're discussing something." Remus told her as she continued to come over. I was so tempted to morph back into my disguise but from the look Tonks was giving me I knew that I'd better not.

"I'm sure you could do that-" Molly went silent as she reached their side and saw me, her eyes widened. Just like with Tonks she quickly wrapped her arms around me in one of her usual tight hugs that could knock the wind out of you.

"Embry dear, we've been so worried about you! Where have you been? Are you alright?" Molly pulled back and held me at arms length, scanning me for any injuries.

"I'm fine Molly." I assured her as Ginny just stared at me with wide eyes. She wasn't the only one standing there anymore though. She'd been joined by most of the others as well, the only people that were missing from the group were Fred and George whom I assumed were still inside with George being injured and Fred not wanting to leave his twin's side. At the sight of them all staring me I suddenly felt as though I were the size of a mouse with hungry cats watching me as though I were their next meal.

"Hello?" I gave a weak wave to all of them with a nervous smile.

"Embry Irina Black!!" Hermione was the first to break from her trance of disbelief as she stormed across the yard to me. I seemed to shrink even more at her sharp voice, like a mother scolding her child. From the corner of my eye I saw Tonks smirking at me, probably finding it entertaining that I was being yelled at by a girl that was two years younger than I was.

"Where the bloody hell have you been?! We've all been worried senseless about you for the past year! How stupid do you have to be to run off on your own like that without letting anyone knowing where you were going or sending the occasional letter that you were alive?!" Hermione scolded me. That was probably the first time I'd ever heard her swear, I didn't like it aimed at me. Despite her obvious anger with me I could see the relief and happiness in her eyes as she wrapped her arms around me in a hug.

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