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***Embry's POV***

Running is considered to be the way of a coward, running away from you problems and leaving others to deal with them. Being a Gryffindor you're supposed to stand up and fight for what you believe in and those you care for. This is why I should never have been a Gryffindor...

It's been a little less than a year now and so much has already changed in such a short amount of time. Though many wish to simply ignore this, it's impossible to do so now.

Now that Albus Dumbledore is dead.

When Charlie had given me his letter from Molly I hadn't wanted to believe what it had said. She'd written that Death Eaters had infiltrated the castle and that in the same night Dumbledore had been murdered in the Astronomy Tower. I had never been in that tower myself, since I hadn't taken Astronomy, but I was told that it was a good place to go and think, it was peaceful. Now I wonder if Dumbledore had been there thinking when he was attacked and murdered.

In the letter Molly had also told us that Bill had been attacked by a Death Eater, a werewolf, but had been lucky enough to not be bitten. No one else seemed to have been seriously injured in the attack, thankfully. She'd told us that Dumbledore's funeral was to be held at Hogwarts soon. And that's where we are now.

We are currently alongside the Black Lake with so many other people. There are dozens of people gathered: Ministry workers, Hogwarts' staff and students, Hogwarts' ghosts, the people of Hogsmeade, Order members, Madame Maxine, Merpeople, centaurs, and so many more. There are golden chairs set up for everyone to sit in and it seems as though every single seat is filled by someone with sad eyes.

While Charlie is seated closer to the front with his family, Harry, and Hermione I am seated near the back. I don't want to risk drawing any attention to myself so I am seated between the familiar face of Rita Skeeter and Madame Malkin from Diagon Alley. To make sure that no one spots me I have changed my black hair to an auburn color and my black eyes to brown. My slightly tanned skin was now a darker caramel color. I didn't look anything like my true self.

I watch as Dumbledore's fragile body is carried in in Hagrid's large arms. His beard is clearly damp with tears and his eyes are rimmed red. Dumbledore was wrapped in purple velvet with golden stars spangled across it as well. The bright blue eyes that I had noticed on our first encounter back at the Burrow were closed, never to open again. Tears of my own stung my eyes as I watched Hagrid place this wise wizard's body in his coffin.

I remembered the first day we had met. I had been so scared of him, afraid that he'd send me back to the Malfoy's but he never did. When I had drenched him, Arthur, and Molly with water he'd laughed a little himself. His wise blue eyes seeming to know the answer to any question that could be asked. Though we hadn't spoken to one another on more than a few occasions I owed him so much. He'd known the truth before I had and had kept it secret, knowing that the truth could ruin so many things for me. He accepted me into the Order when many others were against me joining at such a young age and at a time of such emotion instability. He always backed me up, though he was often silent when doing so.

It wasn't fair that he'd been taken from this world. He still had so much to teach so many people and so much to share with the world. There'd never be another person that would be able to compare to him. No headmaster that would be able to level up with him. No wizard that would ever be as talented and wise as he was.

There would never be another Albus Dumbledore.

A/N: I'm back! As I said in my author's note in the last book, this part of the story will take place in the Deathly Hallows book. I just thought that it'd make sense for her to attend Dumbledore's funeral like all the others.

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