The Island (10 years ago)

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Sora, Riku, and I were running down to the boats when a tall young man stopped Riku, I didn't hear any of their conversations all I saw was a strange-looking weapon. Not long after a blue-haired girl came and had a conversation with Riku and Sora. "No fair" I Retorted. " both of you guys got to meet important-looking people from the outside".

Not long after, A young boy about 10 years older than me showed up. " Hey, I'm Ventus, but my friends call me Ven. What is your name?" Asked Ven extending his hand. " I'm Spark, nice to meet you Ven". He sat down next to me and smiled, " you seem close with your friend and brother" Ven remarked. "I am very close, I would do anything for them!" I said with excitement. "that is good, but do not start from the light okay," He said as he got up. The bliss of having company ended when Ven saw a person in black and left, I got up and ran past Riku and into the secret place ignoring my brother calling for me to come back. I turned around one last time to see Ventus battling the mysterious person.

I barely remember what happened after that except me crying for an hour, Riku and Sora comforting me as I complained how it was not fair how both of them got to meet and have a long talk with their new friends, while I barely started to talk with mine when he had to leave. A few months after this incident Riku Sora and I walked out of the secret place after half an hour of drawing on the walls to find a little girl with short maroon hair about Sora's age crying on the beach, "Hiya, I'm Spark. What's your name" I asked her. She stopped crying and looked at me " I am Kairi" she responded. Thus started a wonderful friendship that would last for years.

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