Mysterious Place

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I just stood there looking at the looming black monster, then I saw him again, the hooded black figure. By now I was done seeing him, I stormed over to him "WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME" I yelled. " YOU APPEAR EVERYWHERE".  they just laughed, it sounded like a female, 

"Spark", Sora's voice called "You should try and find some cover before this thing sees you". That was a mistake because as I was running I soon found myself face to face with the looming darkness called a monster, it started to attack me, but I could dodge most of his attacks because they were slow and clumsy. 

"Spark, look out" Sora called. I looked up only to see a huge orange and black ball coming right at me, I tried to dodge but I was too slow the ball hit me and I blacked out.

I woke up in the shack "Was that all a dream" I said aloud. I walked out to find it wasn't a dream. As I scanned the island I noticed that the hooded figure was gone what I did notice was that I was being pulled into a portal. Before I had time to scream, I was in a pure white room. 

"Sora?" I called, my voice shaking. 

"he doesn't need you Spark, in fact, your friends never wanted you around in the first place, in fact, Sora is off on an adventure without you, he has completely forgotten about you." the hooded female said. 

I turned around stunned, "you're wrong" I cried tears streaming down my face "My brother wanted me around". 

 She signed "If he cared about you then where is he now? Why did he abandon you? You know your friends always thought that you were a burden that's why they were always leaving you behind." 

I decided that it was best to ignore her and walked around the white room calling for my friends, after about half an hour I started to call for the rude lady in black and when she didn't respond I knew that I was alone. I started to cry, I was completely alone in an unfamiliar place with no way out "Wow, you are so pitiful" I whipped around, and there she was the woman in black 

" Who are you?" I yelled. She didn't say anything, she only laughed and started to throw foudre* teeming with lightning at me. As she continued to laugh another voice called out to her.

* a type of throwing knife

" Larxene, That is enough! Remember you don't want to kill him." 

" you really are no fun Sïax, I was just playing with him" Larxene pouted. I just stood there confused and out of breath. 

"Are you sure you want me alive, that crazy lady was just throwing knives at me," I commented                                                                                                                                                                        

Sïax turned toward me "Oh we want you alive, we just want to rough you up a bit more." he snapped, and dozens of white creatures surrounded me, as I failed to hit the creatures Sïax and Larxene walked through a portal.

 " Need a hand kid," asked a friendly voice. I turned around to see a tall guy with bright red hair holding red spikey chakrams*. 

" Y-yeah" I stammered. 

"Cool, by the way, names Axel, A-x-e-l got it memorized," Axel said cheerfully. 

"I'm Spark", in a short amount of time he defeated all the white things and created a portal, and pushed me threw, but just before it closed Axel looked at me "Don't worry I'll protect you from these people"

*Chakrams are a type of circular throwing weapon

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