A strange dream

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" So champ what do you want to do now," asked Pence "Because I thought we could have ice cream on the clock tower" Both Hayner and Olette smiled. Hayner and Pence left to get the ice cream leaving me and Olette alone. 

"So were you close with Kairi" Olette Wondered. " yes, we were great friends, but I didn't like her like her if that's what you wanted to know." Smiling she lead me to the clock tower, we waited for a few minutes, and Hayner and Pence arrived with the ice cream 

"So can we go to the beach," I asked. 

"sure thing, we can go tomorrow" Hayner responded.

That night I had a strange dream, I was walking by the hole in the wall when I heard I familiar voice talking. As I approached the mansion I saw a familiar spikey-haired kid, " Sora!" I called. Sora turned around. 

" Riku, is that you? I've looked everywhere for you" he exclaimed. 

I stared at him confused, Sora should know who I am, " No, I'm Spark, his brother". Sora gave me a weird look,

 "Riku doesn't have a brother and if he did he would have told me" Sora snapped. " So stop lying to me and tell me, who are you really!" 

crying I looked away from Sora "Nobody". 

"You alright Spark," asked a worried Hayner. "you were crying so I decided to wake you up." "Yeah, it was just a bad dream"

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