The offer

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After we started dating, Olette and I grew really close " Spark, can you tell me more about your home?" she asked. smiling at her I agreed, 

"As you already know, I lived on an island with my twin brother, and my friend Sora, Kairi, Tidus, Wakka, and Selphie. The sunset was beautiful, you would love them, then there was our secret place where we drew on the wall. There was this tree called a paopu tree if two people share a piece of its fruit their destinies become intertwined." I explained. 

"Have you shared a paopu with anyone yet?" asked Olette. " not yet, but I just found someone," I mentioned smiling. Olette and I spent the rest of the day together, nothing went wrong and that worried me.

The dreaded day came the day. when I vanished from everyone. memories I walked into the usual spot "GOOD MORNING!" I called out. No response. "Hello?"  I said, waving my hand in front of Olette's face. She didn't greet me with her normal hug and kiss on the cheek. I sat down trying to sense everything that had happened "This makes no sense" I cried "Just a week ago, we were all friends again, now they can't even see me." I felt a cold almost dark feeling in my heart,  all I felt was sadness, anger, confusion, and loneliness. I walked toward the mansion slowly. 'I lost everyone, my friends, my brother, my girlfriend, and my home'. I thought, before I knew it I was at the mansion's gate. well here goes nothing I said as I went through the gate. 

"Welcome Spark," said a voice "I've been expecting you" 

"Gambler" I yelled. "where are you". No response, I looked in every room for the next hour. Finally, I gave up and went back to the main room,  I noticed a strange door, so I entered  

"Welcome little darkling, my name is Luxord "I looked Luxord in his eyes 

"What sort of game do you want to play?" 

"I'm glad you asked. you will fight me if you win everything will go back to normal, but if you lose I get your heart."  

"Deal" I yelled. 

Luxord smiled. "Then let's play? He said. "choose your weapon."  He pointed to a table that was full of various weapons. A sword, a staff, throwing knives, a shield, a weird-looking key sword, and wheels with spikes. 

"I choose this" holding up the weird key sword. Luxord snapped, and the room meant went white, "now we duel."

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