The Organization

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After I spent a significant amount of time with Roxas and Xion, I went back to my room, and when I entered I went to the small mirror and noticed that my eyes were no longer green, they were orange. " What is wrong with me?" I wondered. I collapsed on my bed and slept, I woke up to someone jabbing me with something sharp. " five more minutes" I groaned. "you little brat", I sighed "Oh right, you're training me today, And don't call me a brat. I have a name ya know" Larxene scoffed, "like I care brat, come one, the boss says I have to train you today."

I reluctantly got out of bed and walked right past her, "I'm sooo excited to train with you" I lied. I quickly found out that Larxene hated me, though I later found out that she hates everyone, "You can't do anything right," she screamed "Making a dark corridor is easy, all you have to do is focus and conjure up the darkness and boom you have yourselves a corridor," after trying for hours I finally was able to conjure up a corridor, " you happy? I did it, so can I leave now?" Larxene snarled " Fine, You can go, you worthless nobody." I portaled back to base and met up with my friends "Hey Axel," I said. Axel turned to me, "Yeah Arx?". " what is a nobody, and what is the organization's goal?" "Well a nobody is the empty shell left when a person loses their heart, so we nobodies don't have a hearts. Our goal is to complete kingdom hearts, and when we do that we will finally be complete."

Over the next 3 months, I trained with Saix, Demyx, Zexion, Vexen, Marluxia, Xaliden, Luxord, Xigbar, and Lexaeus. Finally, I had training with Axel again, "you ready kid" he asked. "yeah, I will finally beat you." I called back. We both summoned our weapons and started sparing "You've been practicing"

"Of course", After about 45 minutes I was holding my keyblade at Axel, who was on the ground, "I win" I cheered. "now how about some ice cream" I bent down and helped him up "We better hurry, Roxas and Xion are waiting for us" When we got there Roxas and Xion were already there waiting for us. "You finally decided to show up," Xion called. 

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