The Island(present-day)

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Even though it has been years since the day the outsiders visited, I remember how I was ignored. That was also when I started to have weird dreams and see someone in a black cloak just looking at me. "Hey Spark whatcha looking at, you checking Kairi out?" Riku teased. 

"NO! I'm looking at that guy over there." I said pointing to the cloaked figure. Riku looked at me concerned " Spark this is no longer funny, you keep saying that there's someone in a black cloak watching you when there is no one there." There was a long pause.

 "Yeah, I'm fine. It's just I swear that someone was there." I said pointing to where I saw them, but when I looked again there was no one there. " that's weird" I thought aloud. As I got closer I realized that there weren't even footprints. "Hey Spark" Kairi called. "wanna help a raft so we can leave and explore the outside world?" 

"Sure thing" I replied. "Great, I'll go check to see what Soras is up to," said Kairi. When I got to the other side of the island I saw Sora sleeping on the beach, I strolled over to the ocean, scooped up some water, and dumped it on Sora.

 "good afternoon lazy bum" I teased. " care to join Kairi and I build the raft". Sora smiled "Of course". As Sora walked over to Kairi I heard Riku calling my name "HEY Kean* what to help lift some logs for the raft.  "Wow, I never realized how much you look like Riku" Kairi commented. 

"you just now noticed that were are twins, Kairi, I'm hurt,". Riku said. Sora looked up from tying the logs together  "It is pretty hard to tell you two apart Spark wears blue and green and has green eyes while Riku wears yellow and black and has blue eyes. After we finished working, Tidus, Wakka, and Selphie joined us on the beach, "so how is that raft coming?" Tidus asked while playing with his favorite toy ball. 

"We're almost done, all we need is food and water for the journey," Kairi answered. The next day Riku, Sora, Kairi, and me collecting food, when I was not doing that I was in a secret place, But things changed the next day Riku and I stayed on the island the do some last touches on the raft. The sky grew dark quickly and the clear night sky was dark and stormy because of this freak storm Sora and Kairi came, 

"I'll check and secure the raft" I called out as I ran to the other side of the island, As I was securing the raft I heard a commotion on the other side so I ran there. When I got there I saw Sora and Riku on the smaller island closer to the one that I was on, they seemed to be talking about something when Riku was engulfed in black ooze and disappeared. Sora turned around in a panic rushing off  

"SORA" I called out. " What happened?" he didn't respond, and not long after he came out of the secret place looking even more panicked than before, since he did not seem to hear me I decided to follow him to the small island. I stopped and looked up and noticed a huge gaping black hole over the entire island

 "SORA, where is Kairi?" I asked. Sora turned around surprised "Spark, I thought she was with you and. Wait what are you looking at" Sora turned around and saw a looming dark figure standing at around 30 feet tall with those glowing yellow eyes, it looked like pure evil was staring at us. 

"S-S-Sora" I stammered "WHAT IS THAT?" 

Sora looked at me scared "That is a huge problem".

 * Riku's nickname for Spark

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