Beach day

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The day finally came, the day when we go to the beach! We walked to the train station and bought our tickets "Four student tickets please" Hayner Smiled. The guy in the booth gave us our tickets and we got on the train.  When we were on the train, I noticed Olette was staring at me, blushing. 

"Do you need something?" I asked her. She blushed harder and turned away. Hayner leaned next to me smiling,

 "Dude, she likes you." he teased.

 I lightly pushed Hayner away "Stop it, she is the third girl I have ever spoken to, there is no way she likes me". 

Pence started laughing " I don't believe you, you seem so good at talking to girls." Hayner, Pence, and I talked and laughed for the rest of the trip.

When we got there Pence and I made a food run, "so what do you want to get", I asked.

 "Curry, corn dogs, ice cream, ramen," Pence said excitedly. When we got back I looked at my friends, " race you to the water" I called out already running to the ocean. 

"Don't you have to put on your bathing suit?" Pence asked.

I stopped and turned around "Oh, right I forgot, I don't have one," I said taking off my shirt. 

"Dude, you're ripped" Pence exclaimed. I looked around, Hayner and Pence looked shocked and Olette's face was pink. Soon Hayner, Pence, and I reached the water, and they immediately stepped back "Geez, that's cold" Pence complained. 

"It's not that cold, come on in, you'll get used to it eventually," I called to him. We swam for about 2 hours, then it was time to eat, "hey Spark, how old are you?" asked Pence. "I'm 15, why did you want to know?" I responded.

"15?! You look 17" Hayner exclaimed. 

"He looked 15 to me" Olette commented, her face still pink from blushing. After that, we all swam and talked,

 "Hey let's spend the night here" I suggested. My friends agreed so we built a small shelter, I told them that I would sleep under the stars, and a fire to keep us warm.

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