First Visit

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One night, I had another weird dream. I was in a pure white room with a person in a familiar black cloak. "do you want to play a game? " they asked. 

"Who are you" I yelled. the mysterious person turned toward me "I am the gambler of fate, care to play a little game?" My dream cut to me outside to the haunted mansion, I saw Sora again so I ran up to him, " Sora!" I called. 

"Long time no see". He turned around frowning " I'm sorry, but who are you?". I stared at him shocked" Is this some sort of sick joke Sora? We practically grew up together." I cried. After Sora left I walked inside the mansion,  as I walked around the main room I noticed that a door was opened, so I walked toward the room.

 As I got closer to the door I heard a rather deep male voice " Naminé, did you erase him yet"

 "Yes." a quiet the female voice answered.

"Excellent, the little darling will soon grow," the male voice said, Then there was nothing. I entered the room, but there was one on there. looking around I saw a lot of drawings of Sora and another boy with spiked blond hair, I thought nothing of them and was ready to leave, but I saw a drawing of Sora, Riku, Kairi, and me, but I had been scribbled out.

"Maybe she just messed up, I said aloud. Then it hit me, the girl had said she erased the boy,  I realized was talking about me, and I had been erased. I woke up and Hayner was shaking me.

"Hayner, what's wrong," I asked. He looked scared "How did you know my name?" I was shocked "W-w-what, you must be joking. We were like brothers Hayner" He only scowled " I think you should leave" I left crushed and with a dark, cold sensation. 

As I walked down the street and tried to see if Pence was playing the same joke on me, but no luck. Feeling crushed and with the same cold sensation, only this time it was colder, "Spark!" someone called. I turned around to see Olette " I was so worried, both Hayner and Pence forgot you so I thought you were just our imaginary friend." she cried. " wait, so they actually forgot me?" I asked "Because I thought that they were trying to prank me" Olette looked at me blushing "Now that we're alone I have something to tell you" 

"Sure what's up," I asked. " I like you, from the very first time I saw you when you fell from the sky a year ago."

One week passed after Olette and I started dating, we were walking down the street of Sunset Terrance eating sea salt ice cream. "Do you know where your brother is?" Olette asked. I frowned "No, not since he vanished, and I have no clue where my other friends are. They've probably forgotten me too"

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