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After I finished my mission I went to visit the island, stepping out of the portal, I heard the familiar sound of waves in the distance. "Man, I missed this", "Excuse me" I whipped around ready to attack but stopped when I saw a familiar face. " Hi," said the girl "Aren't you hot in that coat? " I lowered and recalled my weapon, "No, what are you doing here, I thought you'd be on the island?" She seemed surprised, "You know me, and can you tell me who you are?"

"yes, I do, we grew up together on the island, but we haven't seen each other in a year, good to see you again Kairi." Kairi smiled "It is good to see you too-, what was your name again?" "Spark," I said, using my human name felt odd but I knew it was necessary. "Spark, oh yeah I remember you were Riku's brother" I smiled "Yeah that's me, Riku's poor weak brother." She looked worried "Sorry did I strike a nerve, you seem upset" I shrugged, "Yeah that is something I don't like talking about."

"Oh, I'm so sorry, I didn't know!" Kairi said panicked. "if you don't mind can I see your face?" I stopped and stared at her surprised, she didn't question who I was, it was almost as if she remembered me, " Sure" I pulled down my hood, "you look different, did you do something to your hair, and are you wearing contacts? That is so cool!" She squealed. I smiled, "Anyway it was good seeing you again, I'm going to visit some of my other 'friends'". I pulled up my hood and opened a corridor, but before I entered Saïx stopped me "Arxpks, the boss wants to speak with you" I let out a sigh

"All alright, fine I'm going. I thought I could have some fun, and have some me time." After that, I went to Twilight town, "Arx!? What are you doing here? I thought everyone sent to castle oblivion was erased" I turned to see Roxas, who looked relieved to see me, "Where is Axel, is he with you, or did he get erased?" I looked surprised, "No, I haven't seen him since I left the castle" Roxas left disappointed.

When I got to the back alley I was surprised that no one was there. "weird, I thought they would be here by now. Since I was alone in the small back alley room I decided to try out some of my new abilities, I quickly discovered that I had control over illusions, I smirked: "I can have some real fun with this". In the distance, I heard the laughing of three teenagers, two male, and one female. I quickly put up any illusion hiding my presence. "Did you see his face when you beat him" Pence laughed. "Yeah, he was pissed," Hayner chirped. "Congratulations Hayner" Olette said, giving him a peck on his cheek. I silently walked over to the couch and sat down, Pence being observant took notice of the new indent in the couch, "What was that". The others turned and looked at where he was pointing. "There's nothing there, you must be seeing things," Hayner said annoyed. "No, I swear I saw someone by the dartboard, he was tall with tanned skin and grey hair, and he looked oddly familiar" Hayner and Olette both laughed "You must have seen a ghost" Hayner teased. "Maybe, I'll try to reach him," Pence said. "Hey ghost, why are you here, do you have any unfinished business we can help you with."

I started laughing "What makes you think that I'm a ghost?" Hayner went pale "There is someone else in here with us" I put up a second illusion, one across the entire room. "Why are we at the beach," asked Olette. "Do you have some sort of connection to the beach?" I stopped for a minute and answered "Yes". "can I see you" she asked. "No," I said "I don't want to reveal myself" She looked down disappointed. I signed, even though the last time I saw her was when I was a year ago when I was human, I never forgot how beautiful her eyes were.

"I'm sorry, but I'll give you a hint as to who I am." she looked up, her face lit up "Sure," I dropped a picture, the one we took at the beach, about a month after I first met the trio. Her eyes widened, and she showed the photo to Hayner and Pence "Hey, that's the boy I saw," Pence said pointing toward where I stood in the photo. "Are you the grey-haired boy?" Olette asked. "What's your name?"

"My friends call me Arx," I said, deciding to play a trick on them. "I'm here to grant you anything your heart desires" After hearing this Hayner and Pence's faces lit up "Really?!" Finally deciding to reveal myself I dropped the illusion, and instantly we were back in the back alley. "What just happened, we were just at the beach," Hayner asked as he pulled out a foam struggle sword.

I looked at him not impressed by his bravery, "It was just a simple illusion, now what does your heart desire". Pence's face lit up, "How about a lifetime supply of sea salt ice cream." I stared at him "You can have anything you could dream of, and you chose ice cream, but if that's what you want".

"Wait," Pence said, "can you magic up our summer assignment". I sighed, "Okay, I'll make that." I quickly portaled back to my room in the main castle and pulled out the assignment that I did with them, and erased my name. I stepped out of the portal and handed the paper to them. "Okay who else knows what they want." Olette stepped forward "Can I see what you look like, you have been wearing the coat since you revealed yourself. I know it is Simple but I'm very curious." I smiled, "your wish is my command," I said as I took off my cloak, "there you go, now you know what I look like". Olette's face turned red, and Hayner looked at me angrily "Dude why do you wear that thing, you look like every girl's dream"

"I've been burned by love before so I won't be making the same mistake again," I said looking down. Olette looked at me saddened, "So you will never try to find another girl? That sounds lonely"

"Now then, Hayner what would you like" I asked, changing the subject. He sat on the old couch thinking."So there is this guy, Seifer, he keeps bugging us, could you ya know, get him to stop?" the others nodded in agreement, "do you care how I fulfill your request?" I asked. "that's a weird question, but no, I don't care how" Hayner responded. I smirked, just as expected.

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