In the dark

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"Wow" commented Hayner. "that's kinda sad, you have no clue where your friends and family are." Pence however looked excited as he looked at me "so, you're from another dimension?" When I told him I was, his face lit up " I have so many questions for you!" he exclaimed. " okay shoot" " how did you end up here?" he asked."I lost a bet"  I said, not wanting to get into the fine details. "Come on" Pence complained. "that can't be it" "you're right, I got here through a black hole, but in a different dimension, then I lost a bet and ended up stuck here for who knows how long." Pence looked ecstatic. "why is your hair grey? Do you speak English? how did you get that tattoo? Why are your eyes orange?" "My hair has always been grey, yes I speak English, I joined a dark cult, and I wear contacts." When I finished Pence looked even more excited " one more question." he said. sighing I looked at him "okay, what else do you want to know?" "do you have a girlfriend?" I looked down " I did, but she forgot me and started dating my best friend." Hayner gave me a look of pity "that's rough buddy."

Not long after the trio left and I was alone, again. " how am I going to survive, I have no home, no friends, and no family." walking out of the hideout I felt an icy cold sensation and nothing else, no sadness, no anger, I felt nothingness. " I wish all was just bad ream, where I was still on the island living a carefree simple life," I said to myself. I decided to go to the clock tower to watch the sunset, when I got there I saw someone else was standing on the ledge, "hello Spark" said the mysterious person. "why don't you come with me, you still need to pay your debt. "Let me go" I yelled at my cloaked man. He didn't respond "who are you," I asked angrily.  He finally looked at me " my name is Vexen," He said taking off his hood. Shortly after he threw me through a portal.

I woke up in an unfamiliar room, looking around all I saw was a bed, a mirror, and a table with a cloak on it. "Where am I" I pondered. I waited in the room for about 15 minutes until a tall blue-haired man came in and dragged me out of the room and it to another smaller room, there was another person in there, but their hood was up so I couldn't see their face. "Who're you," I asked annoyed. no response. I ran toward them and pulled off there, I took a few steps back, he looked young, a little older than me at most. "Zexion," he said. "what?" "you asked who I was, my name is Zexion," he said again, pulling out a book. Zexion mutter things that I couldn't hear, then I passed out.

I woke up, and was surprised to find myself on the island " Finally awake" Riku said walking over. "you have been sleeping for the past 2 hours, and if you want to leave with us you need to help out with the raft." I stood up " what are you talking about? I have been gone for a year and a half, and we finished the raft already." Riku gave me a look of concern and turned around " Geez, you have a crazy imagination, you're worse than Sora." I trailed behind my brother confused, looking down at my wrist I realized that the weird heart was gone"something on your mind Kean*?" frowning I told him yes "Iwa**, I remember everything so vividly, the day after we finished the raft there was a storm and you disappeared along with Kairi, Sora and I were swept to different worlds, and, and.." I stopped mid-sentence. " WOW" laughed Riku " you expect me to believe you?! All of that sounds crazy, so if you continue making up all of this crazy talk I'll tell Sora and Kairi to leave you on the island!" 

* Riku's nickname for Spark                                                                                                                                           ** Spark's nickname for Riku

I stopped in my tracks "You don't mean that, right?" He didn't respond, Kairi and Sora were at the raft making the sail when we got there. Kairi looked up from sewing "oh, hi Spark. You finally woke up." Scowling Riku told me to help them out, I was about protest but I remembered his threat to leave me on the island, a few hours later the sail was done and all we had left to do  was collecting food for the journey, " ALRIGHT!" Sora cheered. " we can leave tomorrow"  Night came and went, but when I got up the island was empty, not only that it was in the air headed toward a black hole, just like before, I looked around for the black shadow monster but I did not see it anywhere, but I started hearing voices "IT IS YOUR FAULT", "MONSTER, "WEAK", " WORTHLESS", "YOU CAN"T DO ANYTHING RIGHT", I shook my head trying to block them out, but I had no luck. I had no idea how long I was there for but suddenly I was back in the small plain room with Zexion, "Vexen, take him back to his room, I'll continue with him tomorrow." A tall blonde man came in and dragged me back to my room and locked me in. " W-w-what was that" I stammered when he left. " I was on the island, that day everything went downhill." The next month was pure torment, with both physical and mental torture. One time a tall hooded man came in" Lord Xemnas, here is the boy" Zexion bowed. "Poor thing is hanging on to the last sherd of light he has left," Xemnas said with pity. "have the key destroy him" I looked up at him, bruised and bloodied, "You will never destroy me" I yelled. Xemnas smiled " we'll see about that."

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